Urethral Pain/Swelling

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Just wondering if anybody else has experienced this and if it eventually went away? For me, it's the very end of the urethra that is very swollen and sensitive to contact. Thanks. 

ejh's picture

I have had a lot of urethra pain.  In fact, it was one of my main problems at the start of treatment.    I was convinced the flesh in that area was rotten and urine was making it burn.  At the start of treatment, that burning could last more than an hour after I urinated. I would try to avoid urinating but then I had urgency symptoms as well so, my urethra was always in pain.  Sometimes it felt like the urethra had collapsed and the sides were rubbing together. That pain was intense.   Now I am wondering if instead, it was swollen.  Describing pain or even determining excactly where it is located (bladder? urethra? vagina?)  and identifying why it is painful (die off? supplements? diet?) is difficult for me. How do you identify that the urethra is swollen? 
Around 6 months into treatment, the pain became less intense and only at the opening after voiding.  It felt like urine bothered the surface area around the opening as I would feel burning there for awhile after urinating.  Then, I had no pain for a few weeks.  It felt like that tissues in the area were strong and healthy.  Just this week, the pain is back.  It feels like the area is irritated and urine aggravates that feeling. And it stings if I touch the area.  I don't know why this symptom is back  (a new protocol? stress? hormones?  my recent move to list 2?)  but I do know now, that this pain will pass and Boaz will get me to wellness!  I hope you feel better soon.     

ejh's picture

A couple more thoughts... While this flare is painful, the rest of my body feels stronger to deal with it.  It is like the pain is confined to my pelvis.  Before, the pain would require me to have a lie down as if the rest of my body couldn't cope with it.  Now the pain is location specific and I'm able to focus better and at least go about my day. (a point goes to the protocol for that!)  I have no advice on pain management during the day but at night, I use an icepack down there and it helps relieve the pain.  I use one of those long gel ice packs that are meant to go around your head to help with a headache. It numbs the whole pelvic floor.  It's great to own two as you have a cold one if you forget to put your active one back in the freezer.  At the same time as I apply the ice pack, I use a heating pad on my back.  While it's not very sexy, it creates a comfortable reading position. 

Sss7's picture

I too get the burning unfortunately. Like Ejh, i can't really place where the burning is (urethra/bladder?) but i do feel that the the burning/pain is more external now. i used to feel it more internally (although at that time i thought it as external) but now that its sort of moved towards the outside (from what i feel - may not actually be the case!) i think the pain before was more internal. I definitely feel the pain more in the tissues outside, vulva area - around the openings (urethra and vaginal). That feels sore and swollen and extremely sensitive to touch, even water will sting let alone urine. i find that feeling will come and go with no obvious reason and Boaz is very helpful in these situations. I'm hoping eventually this burning/pain will go altogether.

Sss7's picture

Does anyone experience the burning go up in intensity during their period?

TwentyTwenty's picture

For me, it goes up right at the end of my period.

Sss7's picture

Oh ok. I feel it going up just before my period and during. Do you think it's related to hormones?

TwentyTwenty's picture

Yes, I do. I also think that the hormones affect the ph and microflora balance in the vagina. I've been using Yeast Arrest and it's helped a bit. Also, my current protocol with oil of oreganol and SF722 is helping.