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anyone tried ricotta cheese? matia gave me the go ahead to try it, but when i picked it up at the store today, i noticed that all ricotta cheese has vinegar in it (i never noticed that!). i was super nervous to try it, but i gave it a whirl anyway. don't thnk i'm reacting so far, but still waiting (i HATE this waiting period). anyway, curious if anyone else has had issues with ricotta cheese and/or vinegar. also, once you introduce a new food, do you limit how much of it you eat even if you don't react?

Honeybee's picture

Man I miss cheese! If I eat even the tiniest bit I get constipated! Boo! I thought that vinegar was bad for us? Does Matia know about the vinegar in the ricotta? cheese doesn't seem to impact me other than bms as far as pain goes at least the hard mild cheeses. all in moderation ;) when trying new foods I go slow until I tolerate it. like once in while and grdually move it in as a regular feature. (if the first time went well). if it almost went well I give it a few weeks try a small amount and try to build tolerence slowly over time. if it didn't go well at all I just give it a few months and try again.  Mary 

carole's picture

it is possible to find ricotta made w/o vinegar. but i think i've also had the kind with vinegar in it without any problems. I get so bummed when I buy a new food to try and don't notice until after i get home that it has something in it that i'm not supposed to have. Carol 

aboros5's picture

it seems like vinegar is just part of the process in making ricotta, so don't think there is a way around it. but, i just emailed matia to find out if it will be an issue in the long run even if i didn't hugely react to it now.another couple things i was wanting to try are feta and cheddar cheeses. i think people have tried those before and been okay (or so i've seen on this board), but anyone know if white cheddar is better for you than yellow cheddar?also, thanks mary for the tips on how you try new things. i tend to be one of those "all or nothing" people - like if i try something and it's even semi-okay, i will just start eating it all the time - which is probably not a good thing. i will try it your way and see if that works for me. i really have such a problem telling if things bother me because my pain fluctuates so much in a given day, but i'm starting to lose it emotionally with so many restrictions for so long, so i need to at least start adding something in. my fear is the biggest hindrance to me. frankly, i don't know that anything really truly bothers me... it's just that if i feel bad at all in the vicinity of having eaten something new, i freak - when in reality, i may have felt that bad anyway. truly, this is just unbelievably challenging for me.oh, and one tidbit of info for everyone, when i asked matia about ricotta she said that she tends to see it more of an issue for bladder patients rather than vv patients. so i guess that's why she okd it for me. didn't get a chance to ask her why, but thought that might be helpful for others to know.