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Has anyone had a cortisone shot /epidural whilst in treatment? Did it really mess up your bladder or were you ok? I'm currently having accupuncture for my back pain and I beleive it's helping, boaz agreed to it as I've been suffering so much. However, there is a strong chance it's negatively affecting my bladder as I've been flaring for about w weeks now. The other option is to get a cortisone injection or maybe an epidural but boaz is very worried about what that might do to my bladder. It's a nightmare trying to juggle these treatments!

Melinda's picture

Katie, I've had chronic SI joint issues for years and recently had excruciating pain because of a pirifomis muscle strain. On Monday, I had Prolozone injections. Here's more info about what it is:  I have had a some relief from the SI pain since the injections, but they told me it usually takes 2-5 treatments for complete relief. They've found between 75-85 percent of patients experience permanent pain relief. So that's hopeful! I can't tell you my results yet because I've just had one treatment, but I will keep you posted. It might be worth seeing if someone in your area does Prolozone. Best of luck and prayers! 


katiekookaa's picture

Thanks Melinda I have SI joint problems too so it's definately something to look into. I'm very early on in treatment and still stuck on about 6 foods and am very reactive so I'm dreading this treatment for my spine!