December 2013

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Posted by drbrizman on December 28, 2013 at 3:05am

I wanted to share this email I received from a patient. This is what gives us strength and motivation to do this work--the payoff of people getting back their lives. I ake dher if I could shre it anonymously and she said of course. Here it is--I replaced a word I am not legally allowed to use with hyphens. I am sure you can figure out what is said. I also deleted the name of the country:

Posted by drbrizman on December 25, 2013 at 7:36am

I just wanted to extend a warm wish for a beautiful holiday season, whatever it is you celebrate.

Peace, happiness, love and HEALTH, more than anything. When you have that--the rest usually follows.

This has been a hard year for some and an esier year for others. One never knows how this journey will go.

We received many emails describing the how much life had changed for those persons this past year or more. That is the best gift ever for us--because that is why we do this--to bring someone's life back to them. It is the best feeling ever. 

Posted by drbrizman on December 20, 2013 at 9:58am

Someone asked me if it really matters if you buy organic food. I know it is expensive, and we all struggle with the expense and the shopping. But, I do think it is worth it. This is a great little article, but, the video is pretty precious and informative at the same time. Click on the video, it says a lot in a very sweet way:


Posted by drbrizman on December 18, 2013 at 7:27am
Sometimes we need a 6 year old to to remind us the way it is. This was sent to me this morning by a parent :) I love it !!!
"This morning I made a scrambled egg with cheese for my little princess who is 6. I told her (as I often do) that I made it with love. As she was gobbling it down she said confidently, "Mom. Food that comes in a box does not have any love!" Sigh. 
Posted by drbrizman on December 13, 2013 at 9:31pm

Before treatment starts here at our clinic, we typically aks that people are not using chemical birth control. It is one type of medication that is very problematic to a woman's health and it defintiely will inhibit progress within this wellness paradigm. If a person was to open the side effects of any birth control pill, they would see the side effects that are correlated with the bladder and the vaginal balance--they are very clearly delineated in print, but, never fully explained when the prescriptions are given out to young women trying to avoid pregnancy.

Posted by drbrizman on December 4, 2013 at 9:02pm

So this is just a reminder--if you are in treatment, making sure that there is no fluid exchange during intimacy is very important. Your partner's fluid's especially male fluids can transfer many organisms which can adversely effect the female partner. This may increase symptoms by a high percentage for a significant period of time. It also causes a lot of confusion, especially if we are not made aware that this is happening. Then we will make choices based on misinformation.