Allergy to a Yorkie puppy?

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Hi all! I wanted to ask you if someone has had a very bad flare when they brought a puppy home!?. I have been doing better but my anxiety and sadness are still bad. I decided to bring a puppy- a yorkie- and since then my bladder is bad. I am devastated bc i love him deeply . I have read that they can give allergies bc a protein on their saliva or skin. Can someone give me any thoughts pls. I dont want to give him away. This is so hard ...



cprince's picture

Hmm, that is interesting I always thought yorkies to be one of the safer dogs more hypoallergenic breeds. I'm sorry if this is the case, I hope it is not the puppy but maybe just more stressful in your body having a new puppy. They are so fun and a good distracter, but are a lot of work and can cause issues that way. Sorry, I don't have any personal experience other than visiting friends that have a yorkie. I do have an allergy to my dogs because of their fur. I hope the flare settles and can enjoy your new puppy!

deir's picture

Don't give up on the puppy!! I htink my body reacts to all stress- good and bad! GIve it some time- I think it will even out.

Veronica Solano's picture
Veronica Solano

Thank you ladies! This is very very hard!


deir's picture

It is hard, Veronica. Hang in there. This too shall pass.'s picture

Yup!!! I say enjoy that little puppy andkeep on pushing forward. Sometimes the joy can over-ride the pain. We are all here for you. 

C's picture

I have a dog and when we first got her my husband was a little allergic to her (fur or saliva) but there was no way we could give her up and in time his allergry got much less and we don't even think of it now, so maybe if you are allergic it could get less the more you get used to your puppy. Dogs are so amazing- I'm so glad we got my girl as she is a huge part of my happiness each day, I work from home and to have her company is brillaint, she gets me out of the house several times a day and I've made lots of friends just through walking her and people stopping to chat, she's improved my life so much. I hope you'll be able to keep your yorkie :)

Veronica Solano's picture
Veronica Solano

Hi C. Thank you. Did your bladder pain get worse from the puppy??? Did it get better??? Thank you :-)


C's picture

Hi Veronica, I didn't have IC when we got her (that came 2 years later), it was my husband who had the allergy which definietly lessened with time :) I luckily have never flared from our dog.

I hope you will be ok and that it isn't the puppy that is flaring you. Could it be any shampoo the puppy has been washed in or anything the pupy is on medically- like any flea medication? C


ejh's picture

Hi Veronica,  I'm wondering if you could provide an update about how you fared with your puppy.  We are about to take on raising a puppy for a service dog organization next week.  We brought home the kennel on Friday and I now have an itchy throat and runny eyes.  I've come along way in my treatment and I don't want to go backwards.  Any insight is appreciated.


btarrh's picture

Could it possibly be the shampoo or anything they treated the puppy with?