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Has anyone else had trouble finding a good dose that helps?  Lately it's been so hard and seems like every dose we try makes my bladder or vv or urethra feel worse.  I'm taking super good notes and paying attention to everything, and I'm in constant communication with Dr. B.  She is awesome and is doing everything she can to get me out of this, but it's hard not to be discouraged and scared.  Sometimes a dose will be good for a day or a week, but then we are back to the drawing board again.  Ugh!!!

Mimij67's picture

This is so hard! She is very good at this. I know you two will figure this out!! Could there be anything else in your enviroment that is contributing?

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Tinkerbell7's picture

This is tricky. I've had times in the past where she would change my protocol daily. Our bodies are so fluid, especially while healing. Always a give and take. I've also had times where she'd want me to stop herbs altogether for a week or so just to get an idea of what a clear slate looks like, then start over. It can be frustrating, but she is so good at solving these puzzles! You will get to a more stable place, I'm sure.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Mimi, I have wracked (sp?) my brain trying to think of anything it could be in my environment.  My house really does need a good spring cleaning, so maybe it's just plain old dirt?  I don't know.  My daughter bought two mice several months ago that she keeps in a glass cage in her room, but we have a dog and have had other animals in the house and animals haven't ever seemed to make things worse.  
Another thing I thought of is the brand of organic spinach our store carries has changed in the last several months.  There is a Whole Foods opening nearby this fall thank goodness.  I should be able to get fresh, unpackaged spinach finally!
I really think this setback is a combination of dental work and a virus in February that caused me to have to take herbs that Dr. M said my bladder wouldn't like.  
I am going to be getting a spinal x-ray done to check on alignment, and also some blood tests to check for major deficiencies because of my extremely limited diet over the last couple of years.  Maybe these tests will help me figure out what my body needs.  I also am thinking about getting a fecal test done.