Extreme itchiness

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I am extremely itchy every inch of my body from head to toe including my eyes, nose and ears. There is no rash, to look at, it is normal. It's driving me insane! My hands are tired from scratching all day. I can't sleep very well because I'm constantly having to scratch. Any suggestions on how to relieve this? I don't know what's happening to me, feeling quite scared :(

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

I have experienced some of this. Felt several times like an allergic reaction without outer symptoms. I am not sure what it is but do feel it is related to treatment. When I told Boaz he asked me alot of questions and then changed my protocol. My first guess with me would be it is yeast. I got to the point I wished I could have a rash because that is a sign it is leaving the body.  If you do not have an appt soon I would make one. Maybe the doctor can at least explain whats going on and relieve the fear if nothing else. I hope you feel better. 

cathy's picture

I itch on and off every day, no rash right now either. A few months ago I had extreme itching felt like I was going insane it was so bad, I just wanted to scratch my skin off, I had a bad rash all over with it though. Dr Brizman said it was a great sign and changed my prorocol, it lasted 6 weeks for me. I don't know how I got through it but I did, she said the lymph was clearing out. Look at it as a great thing but do let them know what is going on.