Needing Support at 20 months into treatment

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Hello ALL,

I have been adhering (strictly) to protocol for twenty months, I am usually very positive, have a very clean diet, and go to therapy regularly. I haven't posted a lot honestly because I don't want to sound negative or discourage newbies. I keep waiting for a sustained period of low sx. I have seen many people heal through this protocol and I have had many healing moments, so I know it does work. I also feel that my body (other than my bladder) has healed a lot. But right now, I feel so far away from healed. I remember at some point many months ago I started having zero sx once in a while, but rarely. Now I have them maybe a few days here and there out of each month. I went to Hawaii and for eight glorious days I was sx free! But before and after I have been very unstable and I am just not sure why. Right now I am in day 5 of level 4-6. Boaz is even starting to be a little baffled by this, after many herb changes. It's very scary to me and I suppose I feel alone, though I know I am not. I am quitting dairy to see if there is improvement, but I have had zero sx and level 8 doing the same things, eating the same things, I guess I just want to know if other long timers have improved after years of treatment, or if anyone went through a stuck period and then healed? Still hopeful if baffled, sad and frustrated...


cathy's picture

I have been in treatment 28 months now, as of yet I have had no days with zero symptoms, but my pain is very low, more of just an awareness, my worst symptom is frequency right now. Reading your post it looks like you have done a lot of healing to get those days of no symptoms, sometimes it is hard when you get those symptoms back and think you are back sliding. I have read many posts where they state that they seem to have an increase in symptoms before they fully heal. You will heal this is just part of the process sometimes, some people have lots of ups and downs during treatment. Just hang in there things will improve

DLFox123's picture

Hi Julie, 

I think the following was written by a very wise woman who is having a hard time right now - trust me, I have alot of those moments myself.  Anyway - I found your words of such hope and encouragement for others- I was hoping that your own words might bring you comfort.

 One thing I want to share with anyone here is that I have learned that this is a bumpy road! The graph's trajectory is UP but it goes up and down on its way up. This is why though we are sticking to protocol and taking the right herbs and doing what we are supposed to we still have rough patches. Our bodies are CLEANSING and DETOXING! This does not feel good. I went through a patch where I felt much worse than I did before treatment, and then I turned a major corner. I became aware of this pattern-the rough patch and then new plateau connection. So finally, at 10 months, i began slowly, slowly to turn a MAJOR corner. At 12 months, I realized that my pain levels had decreased dramatically. Now even in the midst of a little ovulation irritation I know all is well and I am on the road to wellness. I know my bladder's here but it's not my focus. This process will work, but it is a long road that requires a commitment to heal on all levels. I have been healing not just my body but my relationship to myself and others, as well. It may be a long challenging healing journey, but it has certainly been one of HOPE for me. I just want anyone out there suffering to know that it WILL GET BETTER. HANG IN THERE. LOVE TO ALL..

Hanging in there with you,


Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Julie, I hope you are feeling better. Maybe pulling dairy will help. In my own struggles to heal I had to pull grains, nightshades, and dairy. I hope some day to add them back in, but it's what is working for me now. Definitely a bumpy ride sorting this all out. I pray for wisdom for me and Dr.B in this all. :) My daughter had to pull dairy to get better, but she is doing good now and has added it back in. A big hug to you as we all work through the ups and downs of healing.