Very cloudy, white urine?

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Anyone else have extremely cloudy almost milky white tinge of pale yellow urine? My urine is usually slightly cloudy, but never to this extreme and the urge to pee is very intense and burning. Could it be a bunch coming out all at once, an infection? Just wondering since never had such cloudy urine before, but have history of kidney issues so not sure if I should be worried? Thanks for any input or experiences with this!

Claire's picture

Hi CP, I have never had "white" pee but I've had very cloudy pee and that has always been some sort of infection.  When it's just a little murky, I don't worry about it, but usually the times that it has been almost opaque, Matia has but me on infection herbs. 

cprince's picture

Thanks Claire! I got put on goldenseal for now, so hopefully will help. Yeah, I had never seen my urine so nontranslusant before, always a bit cloudy, but nothing like it has been.