Walloped by pain!!! :(

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Hello Everyone! I'm in excruciating pain. I spent last night in the ER with findings of low potassium levels and a contracted gallbladder. The Dr's infuriate me, but that's a different tale for another day. So, Dr m changed my protocol and things seemed better this am after my 1st dose, but this evening I am right back to excruciating pain. I am so tired of all this pain and I know has a lot to do with stress. It baffles my mind how quickly a protocol change can go from this seems ok to I want to die pain! Oh gosh, I am really not coping well! The battle is in full force with the good guys trying to kill the bad guys, but in the process it feels like I may be the one to lose this battle! 

Mimij67's picture

So sorry CP. I know from the Chinese Medicine clock that gallbladder is from 11pm to 1am, and before that (9-11) is the digestive meridian (San Jao). I know when I have the worst bladder pain it is during the bladder time of day. I hope you can find some ways to reduce the stress soon and catch a break!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Oh Cprince I am so very sorry you are going through all this terrible pain. Now that Dr. B knows it is your gallbladder maybe she can be more specific in helping you pinpoint the problem. I kept checking the forum for an update from you and praying for you. When I am struggling with pain, I search for natural remedies. I can't do a lot of them due to IC and our diet restrictions, but every now and then there is one gem I can use and still use to this day. I will keep praying for you dear. I send you lots of love and prayers that you will be on the other side of this pain soon. xxo

cathy's picture

I am sorry you are going through this pain right now, I will be hoping and praying that things will settle back down again soon

deir's picture

geez- enough is enough. When is this going calm down for you? I just hate it. I am praying for you. (((((((((hug))))))))))) I was in er too yesterday but only for a badly sprained  wrist. I was thinking of you while I was there wondering if you had decided to go. Sorry- one handed typing

I can only imagine what the docs said

Claire's picture

Awww CP, you've been on my mind all morning after I saw your post.  I hope you can get some relief soon.  Is it your bladder or your gallbladder that hurts so much?  Maybe it's just everything.  You really deserve a break.  Much love to you. 

JessicaA's picture

CP- I am so sorry that your going through this. Having to go to the ER is absolutely horrible. Where is your pain located? Praying that you get relief today.

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

CP, so so sorry. This has been such a long road for you. I will absolutely keep praying for comfort and SOON!!

lolo's picture

I am joining the prayers, Patty, and know there are other prayers under way even though not posted here....a powerful force!  

Things will change!



Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Christina, listen to me. You WILL NOT lose this battle. YOU WILL WIN! You have come too far to give up now. We are fighters and we have a long and happy lives ahead of us. Like you, I have been walloped with pain a lot lately, and I've really had to dig deep and remember what is true. I really understand the feeling of a dose feeling good at first, and then bam, the "I want to die" pain. I've had that a lot lately also. But is always passes and gets better. And we will both get to a place where we won't have this crazy rollercoaster. I just found out I have unacceptably low iron and vitamin D levels and Matia is working on a plan to help me get those up in the best and gentlest way possible. At least it explains why I've been feeling so weak and exhausted lately. I share a little of my current situation just to say that I know the struggle with despair, but we cannot give in. There is so much hope and we need to take things one day at a time. 


Sending lots of love and hugs to you!



cprince's picture

Thank you so much everyone! This has been quite the roller coaster ride for sure. My extreme pain is mostly in my RUQ and intestines. My bladder has the ripping and sharp stabbing pains, but mostly just constant urge to pee has me down in that department. The ER is the worst waiting for hours, I was there so long I had 3 different Dr's on my case all trying to shove morphine in my vein as well as zofran and just seemed annoyed when I told each one, no thank you! The radiologist is the one that I could really scream at saying things looked "normal" with my gallbladder contracted six hours after eating and causing severe pain, because I hadn't fasted for 12 hours, even though many studies show 6 hours is sufficient amount of time to fast! Ugh! I ended up with nothing more than more pain with the radiology tech pressing hard with the US head on my gallbladder and never before had anyone ever check my low pelvis and decided to press hard on my bladder and I had told her I was in a lot of pain already. Wasting time and money and the last Dr said we confirmed with the US and pregnancy test that you aren't pregnant! Awesome, I didn't know I was looking for confirmation on this, thank you captain obvious!!! I just want answers, and at least some minor relief from pain! This journey has not been smooth and only worse with all my stress with a messy divorce and it's only going to get more bumpy from here, I'm afraid! Taking one moment at a time! So glad to have you all here to support me when I feel I'm failing in so many ways! :(


deir's picture

Captain Obvious!!! LOL- glad you still have a sense of humor!!!!


Stop with the failing. YOU are not your illness- none of us is! This is why I personally have an issue with a lot of the New Age type thinking (not saying you do this but I think it permeates the culture) I have had to resist the idea that I have "manifested" this disease or that i have some control over it in some way through my mind. When people respond quickly to treatment they can feel like "wow- must have been my positive thinking etc." When you doing really poorly it can make you feel like somehow- YOU have failed. You are incredibly strong. Think about how much you have accomplished so far by taking steps toward a new future. No way are you failing. There are things going badly right now but it isn't YOU - the essential part- going badly. LOVE - deirdre

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

Deidre, you are so right and so important that we all hear this periodically. Boaz told me some of IC is about control. We can control our diets, our herbs, etc but lets's be kind to ourselves and not take control of thinking we deserve this. We would not think that of someone with cancer. We are all learning ways to make and keep our bodies more healthy. CP, i know you and Matia will solve all these mysteries. Unfortunately that takes alot of time. When you are sick and in pain as long as you have been it doescertainly take its toll on your body and your mind. I am praying incessantly for you. We are all here cheering you on a moment at a time. Hugs to you!!!!

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Christina and Lisa, you have both been seeking clues through the medical community as to what is going on in your body. These clues are going to help Dr. B to better understand what your body needs to heal. I think you both are so wise and brave to do this, especially considering the medicines you have to flatly deny in the face of pressure from some well meaning practitioners. Lisa, my iron levels were below half of normal at one time, this is before Dr. B. I was passing out in the doctor's office and had to go to the hospital immediately for a blood transfusion, but I went into anaphylactic shock when they injected benadryl into me first. I was supposed to take 3 bags of blood, but then my blood pressure shot down too low on the last bag, so they pulled it. Why do I tell you all this? Because I know what it is like to be in the depths of despair with terribly ill health that goes on
for a long time. You feel like you are falling apart at the seams. You are so sick of being in bed, on the couch, or in the bathroom in pain with one thing or another. You feel like all your family ever sees when they look at you is someone sick. But we are all fighters or we wouldn't be here. I fight by researching and researching my health. The doctors can give you clues as to what is going on inside your body, this helps Dr.B narrow down what you might need. How I pray for wisdom in my research, and this has been going on for at least 15 or more years for me with ill health. I have suffered with ongoing UTI's, horrible yeast infections, staph infection 4 times, anemia for over 3 years, 2 gum surgeries, IBS-C, bleeding hemorrhoid, compressed disc in my back, difficult pregnancies, loss of a baby at 5 months pregnancy, acne, arthritis with fingers starting to get misshapen, a hysterectomy from a fibroid tumor that the dr said made me look 5 months pregnant, of course severe, painful, excessive bleeding periods which were lasting 3 weeks out of one month thus the anemia and blood transfusion, chronic canker sores with usually 4 at a time, shingles going into my eye that the doctor said I almost could have lost my sight, head sores for years, rectal prolapse, always getting sick with strep throat, and then came IC. After I listed all my past health conditions I almost didn't want to post this, but it was therapeutic in a way because I am so, so much better! When I would get diagnosed from a doctor on whatever was wrong, I would research how to help myself get better holistically. I know I have IC, but I never too birth control for my period pain, I used a hot water bottle. I didn't like taking Tylenol so only used that for emergencies. It was truly a godsend finding Dr. B one all night session in pain with IC. She has helped me so much. I really believe I will be better in my older years as I am 54, than I was in my younger years by God's good grace. I encourage you all to keep up the fight, it will be so worth it. I am finally in the last five months experiencing almost a relief of sorts in my body, and it is wonderful. Love and prayers for you all.

deir's picture

Mrs A- I just love you! That's all.

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Ah Deir...you just made my day. :) Love you too and pray for you often!

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

Wow!!!! Thank you Mrs. A. Such wonderful council for us all. 

fahlmank's picture

I am honored to be part of such an incredible group of women! ...... so strong and intelligent. Consider love and strength coming from me as well;)

cprince's picture

Thank you Mrs. A, Deir, Claire, Rachel Ann, Mimi, Katie, pixie, Julia, and Ally, sorry I know I've missed someone, can't look back while I'm posting! The love and support is amazing and I'm an emotional reck as it is, but crying happy tears knowing I have those that understand the struggles and can help me see the positives in all this struggle. It's hard not to feel like a failure, but every clue will help me get to the bottom of this! Sending lots of love and higs to each of you hoping you all have a wonderful pain free week!

cprince's picture

Sorry, I knew I forgot a few and it wasn't because I don't love you any less just poor memory! :/ thank you from the bottom of my heart to Cathy, Patty, and Lolo as well! Many hugs! We will all make it through this one way or another and by each other's side and of course the Amazing support and knowledge of Dr M and B! 

DLFox123's picture

Dear Mrs. A.

Thank you for posting this.  While I am so sorry for all that you've endured, it makes me feel less lonely in the road that I myself have travled.  Since I've been really vocal on my past health, I won't go into it all over again.  But, thank you.  I am so happy that you too were one of the lucky ones that found their way here.


Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thank you so much, Mrs. A. I have been feeling super down with how things are right now. But I'm moving in a positive direction and taking things one day at a time. Thank you for sharing all that you've been through. It encourages me to see how far you've come and I know I will get there too.

livandlex's picture

Thank you all for sharing!! It's an amazing gift! Sending love and healing to everyone!

Claire C