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This is fascinating and incredible so I must share. About 10 years ago, I developed several small warts on my knee. I had them for about a year or two before I decided to go to the dermatologist to get them frozen off because they kept growing no matter what I did to battle them (both otc and home remedies). They had completely gone after getting them frozen off by the Dr. Then to my disappointment, they reappeared several months ago. (Retracing?? Idk maybe). I have been going through way more notable things lately that take up every minute of my appointment time, so I did not have time to mention this to Matia. Fast forward to today. I just looked down at my knee to examine and see if they are growing or what is going on with them. They are GONE! It goes to show that this treatment truly treats the entire body, even if you don't realize it. I'm amazed by this simply by the fact that I had struggled so hard to make them go away in the past. I'm so happy. Hopefully they're gone for good now!

Mimij67's picture

Em that is crazy. How do you know they were warts? I have to hard lumps, one above my left knee, and one at the top of my left thigh. They feel hard, like a wart (I also have a few of these around my body, one has flattened out but is still dark.) I chalked these up to latency, as described in Matia's dissertation. The body storing up toxins in the skin to keep them away from vital organs. I hope mine go away too. I had another bump under the skin on my chest and that went away! 

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

My daughter had a wart on her hand before she started treatment with Dr. M, and it is gone.  Also, I had a huge mole on my back that was itching really bad and bleeding (not melanoma) and it fell off!  Pretty amazing.

Mimij67's picture

Wow Cool Lisa Ann!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Tinkerbell7's picture

Yes I'm sure they were warts. Mine were very classic. They weren't weird or a mystery. And the dermatologist confirmed it when I went to have them frozen off. But warts are caused by a virus, so it's not very surprising that they came back in treatment. It is so crazy how the body can take care of these things if we give it the healing tools.

Lisa, that's crazy about your mole! So glad it is gone now!

Tinkerbell7's picture

...and they came back. I've also got a new wart on the bottom of one of my feet. Have never had one of those before, so that's new. Hopefully I can get rid of these easily. No fun, especially feet warts. If it starts to be painful, I'll have to go get it frozen off. No fun.