Yearly Physical

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I am 56 years old and other than IC I have no other known health issues. I am not on any prescription drugs.  I am considering putting off blood work and yearly physical for a year. Last April my bloodwork was very good. Any benefit anyone can think of that I should still have it done that I might not be considering?  

deir's picture

I didn't get one for years. ONly got one last year because I needed to apply for life insurance and then I am working at a school. Honestly, it was pointless except teh blood tests results made me feel vindicated that eggs and butter don't raise your cholesterol!!'s picture

Thanks Deir. That is kinda was I was thinking. 

cprince's picture

If everything has been checking out normal and you don't feel like there are any glaring concerns you want to address, I agree, not something I would worry about.'s picture

Thank you C. Prince

deir's picture

Oh- Forgot - also it was helpful because when the MD found out I had IC, she said ,"There are dietary things you can do for that- avoiding orange juice, etc" hahahahahaha!!! Thanks Doc! I hate to be sarcastic but really??? This was after I explained the diet I was on. She also could not understand why I would not get a flu shot that day.


Basically, I just needed to connect with a Dr in case I need them for something like a broken arm. When I needed a tb test for my school job, I was able to ask her if I could get a chest x-ray instead and she wrote the referral so I am glad I had her.