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Someone asked me the other day, and I realize I get many people who ask the same thing--how important is it to use BOMASENSE products? I developed these products out of total desperation and aggravation with what things were available on the market. Aside from the typical non healthfood store products loaded with laural sulphate and its carcinogenic friends, the healthfood store alternatives can be just as bad. This is not because they are loaded with toxic ingredients, although many still are. Just because they are in a healthfood store does not mean they are all pure. But, that aside, they have a lot of natural ingredients that can cause pain or symptoms in people with chronic illness. Things such as vitamin e, which, is used as a natural preservative. Vitamin e can cause major symptoms and pain. Cocconut oil (even though I have some in my products, it is wiehed against other ingredients) can cause massive pain in many IC patients. And, the list goes on, including soy, nut oils, sugar, vitamin b, b pollen, etc......
Using these products may increase pain or may expose you to unecessarily high levels of carcinogenic chemicals. I made BOMASENSE products for people to benefit from. If you have not checked them out, please do. I made them from my sincerest wish for your complete health!


Angela's picture

It is scary to see what is put in these products that are out there.  Here is an article about ingredients in care products.I see some of these products I used to use before I got ill with IC.  It is so important to know that what you put on the skin will enter the bloodstream and it will settle in our tissues in the body.We must be aware of the toxins.Here is an article about ingredients in care products;

drbrizman's picture

Thank you Angela!!