Cholesterol and IC Aug 24 2016

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When we first started practicing 20 years ago-we were on board with the idea like everyone else that high cholesterol was an evil to be treated fiercely. Over time, we started to realize that patients who came to us-with high levels of inflammation also had high cholesterol. What was more interesting was that over time with the diet methods we employ and the anti-inflamatory protocols (which at first look might look like something that would increase cholesterol) actually were lowering cholesterol levels without doing anything with the intention of lowering it. As we continued on the Ph.D. path, studying under world renown Jeffrey Yuen, we came to be familiar with the term Compensation, which, is explained in Dr. Matia Brizman's thesis. Elevated levels of cholesterol are one example of how Compensation works..the body's natural response to endeavor to cool down the inflammatory cycle and protect the body.

We came to realize and connect the dots that we really did not need to do anything else in repsonse to these elevated levels of cholesterol short of treating the body as a whole, which is of course what this medicine we practice is based in. As these years of practice have passed, more and more Western research is substantiating these ideas. The following article is based on the view point of cancer prevention-of course everyone has the perspective of their own medical art. But it is all wrapped up in one and applicable to all isn't it? We all need to substantiate one another's work. One day we will all work together for the greater good of each person seeking thorough integrative care.



Dr. M & B


beth's picture

Spot on. So much is going to change for the better the more we work together.

Just like what you have done-combining eastern and western knowledge.

I see it happening more sooner than later.

Love you guys, and appreciate you so much!

drbrizman's picture

You're awesome Beth!:) thank you for the kind words! xo