Death, SIckness, and Water

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Almost two years ago my mother died of cancer. She had hospice care in her own home and the day she died, the hospice nurse said, "please give me all of the drugs that hospice gave your mother so I can flush them down the toilet." I said, "flush them down the toilet? Why on earth would you flush them down the toilet?" She answered, "Because, it is illegal to do anything else with them. It is a strict requirement to do so." Of course, being completely bereaved, I did as she instructed, but with great apprehension. I could not believe that just in my mother's community of elderly and dying people alone, just how many drugs must be being flushed down the toilet on a daily basis, let alone world wide. My concerns over the pollution of our water supply extend beyond my sincere desire to keep our earth clean and well taken care of. It is my strong belief that practices such as this are contributing to chronic illness such as Interstitial Cystitis. Water is a HUGE subject in the creation and treatment of this disease, as anyone who has treated with me or has read these blogs knows by now. The practice of medicines being flushed down the toilet is only one way in which medications end up in our water supply. This does not even include all of the medication contaminated urine in today's overly medicated culture. In any case, this story illuminates the challenges behind this problem. This is yet another area of concern that requires attention for Interstitial Cystitis and for so many other reasons.


nicole's picture

that sounds like a terrible thing to have to experience for those elderly people. For me I can't help but think in the back of my head they are better off with out them and I wish people could be more open to natural ways of healing.
I can't imagine how you felt when your Mother died there aren't even words for that. Did that lead you to Chinese Med or was it your own health? I seem to recall you were in a bad state yourself Matia? I think life has a funny way of leading us down the right path. I know for me I will enter a career of holistic med when I am in a better state of health. Ever since I started treatment back in 2004 I think it was. I try to teach people what I have learned and sway them to try natural approches before going to western med. I think if your having a heart attack or you need some life saving care right away it's great but other then that I am against it.
I have gotten my father off all his presriptions for his heart and he is using fish oils and natural blood thinners. Can you belive they told him to stop eating spinage because it was going to thin his blood too much with his meds. I said DAD just eat the spinage then I couldn't understand it. Thank goodness neither could he. He is fine now too My Dad turned 80 this month and he is in better shape then I am. People are too quick to pop that pill and need to just learn that there are other alterntivies that do not cause so many other problems.

drbrizman's picture

My Mom died only two years ago. As for what led me here, I will only talk about that off line. I am really glad you plan on doing great things with your life when you become well. Giving back is so important! As for the spinach, it is actually a standard suggestion for people taking meds like coumaden (sp?). bc if someone is already taking blood thinners, it can thin the blood so much that they can get bleeding within their bodies. That exact thing happened to my father and he ended up bleeding between his brain and his skull. He ended up with three brain surgeries and a stroke and that led to his death--not a lot of fun. It is so wonderful you have your Dad on fish oils. I think that is a safer road and an effective one. And, eating spinach while taking fish oils is completely safe, unlike what is the case with prescription blood thinners.

jlopatka's picture

OK, so now I am freaked out... my husband says I took a huge risk bringing my daughter into the world.  I was taking daily injections of lovenox b/c I have blood clotting disorder that kept causing miscarriages.  They never said anything about spinach.  Luckily I don't like it THAT much, but still.  I always knew if I was in a car accident, I would be a gonner, but I thought the possibility of that was slim.  Now I am going to thank God that I am alive.

drbrizman's picture

We should always be thankful to be alive! And, good you did OK in the pregnancy. And, good your daughter is here!