Europe and America Water

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I rec'd an article from a person in England. It was from the English publication WDDTY. I cannot seem to get it to my blog to copy past, but basically it speaks about the contaminants found in US water supply and now in European waters. It further goes on to indicate that the US have been faily complacent about this situation and that England, and Europe in general are taking it quite seriously. Commonly discovered contaminents include benzodiazapenes (BIG problem!), birth control pills, epileptic medications, and even chemotherapeutic drugs. I cannot as I said get this to my blog, but it is June 2008 WDDTY. Mean time, here is another example of how WDDTY is correct. It does appear that the US is not taking our problems with water purity very seriosuly. It seems that there is an acceptable level of rocket fuel one can drink: