The Fight Against IC

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IC as with any other chronic disease, but perhaps even moreso IC because of the delicate nature of the bladder tissue is a disease from which one must truly fight hard to find thier peace in their body. It is a relentless fight that must be fought with discipline and tenacity from all aspects of one's life. It is not a struggle that can be won by sitting back and letting someone else prescribe medications no matter what treatment you are on. A person should be taking a hard look at their life and address all issues from all sides: their childhood issues, their present relationship, their diet and lifestyle, what medications they take, and their environment. In listening to people everyday it is easy to see how the dynamics between a person's health and all of these things may so tremendously impact how they are feeling it is difficult to detangle. But, when a person makes a choice to walk along the path of alternative medicine, one should really look at all things. For example, if you are getting put down or controlled by someone in your life, that will have an impact. If you are made to feel powerless this is huge. If you are victimizing yourself instead of empowering yourself, you weakne your will!  If you are mostly eating well, but you are cheating a couple of times per week, you are doing your body a disservice, or taking medications that are counter-productive to the process of balance, like common over the counter pain medications for example. It is so hard to feel like you need to look at all of the things you are doing, but, difficult as it may be it needs to be done. getting your body back into balance so that you can regain wellness is a struggle, a fight, one that requires an immense amount of determination with the ever present concept that it is the biggere long term picture of health you are trying to get to. So, be positive, eat clean, give your immune system the power, and keep your mind in a peaceful place and fight your fight. Because no matter how many hands are extended in your direction, this fight is yours, and you can do it!


Angela's picture

This is what I sure had to do....straighten out my life. It is one of the hardest things to do, but very necessary.  It is part of healing. I found that I had to separate myself from some of my relatives and friends.  I do not have the same friends anymore that I used to have. It was not that I chased them away but it just evolved this way over time as I was on my road to recovery learning what a good life really is. Very important is not to go back to the same life we lived before.  As we go through life we need to know how to select things well.It is very important to get the body and the mind working in the right direction!  We can not get totally well if we do not "clean up", this is my experience.  Healing is EVERYTHING, not only eating the right is the way we think also and the choices we make, the words we speak and the way we look at life.  Healing takes time.  It is a wonderful thing. We are not the same after we come out on the other side and that is the way it should be, because my life is better than it has ever been before. I have a new life and new friends too.  I love my life these days.  I wish for everyone to find it!  Dr Matia is a great Teacher.  Listen to her teachings and practice it in your life.  You will see a good life growing.  Thank you Dr Matia for writing this one too.