Food For Thought

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How many little things could you be doing that may be interrupting your symptom pattern? There are so many things I have found to encourgae inflammation in IC over the years and they seem so benign-- of course the obvious-skin, hair and nail care products. Anything that goes on your body is as if it is going in your body. This is also true for scents. Strong smells can effect inflammation. Did you know that? Toxic chemical smells like strong cleaning products (clorox is a big one!) but also nice smells like essential oils, candles, and perfumes. And, it is not a one for all type situation. Some scents are better for some and worse for others. This is where Chinese medicine and the use of it's broad paradigm is so useful in applying it's concepts in helping to determine such things. Trying to avoid soy is a big one and it is in everything! It is very hard to avoid. Yeast and other fungla organisms is nother example. And what is more frustrating is that things are often not labeled in a way that makes it clear that these things we need to avoid are in them. So, if you look at something which contains certain vitamins and minerals and other supplements, it will label them, but not it's source. Knowing the source can help you avoid flaring because of those things are sourced from such things as soy, coconut, yeast, other fungal organisms....they will create pain invariably.
Another thing that is odd but true-over exercising in terms of where your particular outlay of inflammatiuon is can spur on more inflammation by moving the lymphatic system too dramatically. AND, in line with this thought certain exercises themselves can flare such as squats and lunges for example.
I thought this might be some good food for thought today. Happy Sunday!