Alot has happened over these last 2 decades of practice including ICAMA which was as everyone knows an extension of our work at Bomamed clinic and all of the work we do with IC and its related chronic issues. When I started this work my vision was to teach what I know and what I have learned and to eventually have a non-profit clinic for people to come and receive help. So many are in need with no way of receiving what it is they need. As any doctor or practitioner knows, dealing with the everyday work that is necessary to execute healthcare to so many people, maintaining that obligation while building something as huge as a non-profit clinic is difficult at best. And, despite our efforts toward that goal, we are not there yet.
As every year passes we become better at what we do, but the world of medicine is changing with us of course. So much has changed in these two decades and there is so much more available to people that did not exist when all of this started. We are learning more, others are learning more and we have reached a point where we feel that we can be more effective and others can be more effective by making ICAMA a non-profit organization for the purpose of supporting all treatments that involve alternative healthcare treatments as well as being a support system for those trying to treat their patients.
There is so much that goes on in the world of healthcare and so many factors in a person getting the treatment that they need for their individual issues. If you have IC, then you know that can make you unique from others in that you might not respond in the way that "everyone else" does not to mention like others with IC do. This creates a lot of isolation and difficulty in knowing what to do and where to turn.
After doing this for so many years, and after a very long time of thought on the subject, we feel that this will help more people than endeavoring to help one person at a time. Our goal has always been to help ease pain and return health to those who have lost it. We will be re-opening the forum and will have a moderator to simply help guide. I realize that in the past this has been a suggestion met with much adversity. However, there were reasons that it was suggested in the past which, I think were misunderstood and remain necessary. This forum will be for open positive discussion on all topics related to gaining help with IC and what we will not invite is negativity or distasteful or untrue statements regarding any treatment. We are asking for positive, factual information. It must also be respectful of the choices that others make regarding their healthcare choices, as each of us have our own paths to follow and while some things work for some, they do not work for others necessarily.
Each type of practitioner is obviously passionate about their work, as we are ours. We are of the opinion that every medicine has it's beauty and it's value and we would like to feature all of those things as they relate to IC.
So, I am closing this today by simply stating this is where we have decided to go with this, there will be more to come once we have executed the non-profit status. But, in the meantime, should you be interested in posting things you know, if you are a practitioner, please contact us and we will feature what you have to say.
Dear Dr. Matia, I have sorely
Dear Dr. Matia, I have sorely missed the community of this site. I hope that you're able to make it all that you want it to be. However, I'm a bit confused and worried when you say "After doing this for so many years, and after a very long time of thought on the subject, we feel that this will help more people than endeavoring to help one person at a time" Does this mean that you no longer intend on treating individual patients? Denise
Denise, I will always be here
Denise, I will always be here for all of those people who are depending on me. What I meant was is I have done this for so long and I continue to contemplate how I can have a wider reach with more impact. This does not in anyway minimize the importance of my one on one relationships which have positively changed my life in the same way that I have in turned changed others. My life is so much more beautiful for all of the people I interact with. I suppose we are simply reaching for how we can be of more help to more people and I thought a non profit status may help create more ability to turn ICAMA into a more efficient rescource for education and networking. I hope this expresses my feelings clearly, as you DLFox are among many I hold dear.
Denise, I will always be here
Denise, I will always be here for all of those people who are depending on me. What I meant was is I have done this for so long and I continue to contemplate how I can have a wider reach with more impact. This does not in anyway minimize the importance of my one on one relationships which have positively changed my life in the same way that I have in turned changed others. My life is so much more beautiful for all of the people I interact with. I suppose we are simply reaching for how we can be of more help to more people and I thought a non profit status may help create more ability to turn ICAMA into a more efficient rescource for education and networking. I hope this expresses my feelings clearly, as you DLFox are among many I hold dear.
Dear Dr. Matia,thank you for
Dear Dr. Matia,thank you for your kind words. I am also certain that you know, when I say "back at you lady", that you know that you hold a special place in my heart. I sincerely hope that this site does re-open and it won't seem to lonely out here. However, I will always appreciate the time that it was here. Sincerely, Denise