Interstitial Cystitis New Babies

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Recently more past and current patients seem to be thinking it is spring time:) OK not that, they are getting pregnant, well, they actually got pregnant. IT is really lovely. This is my favorite part of treatment. Pregnancy can be such a wonderful bridge between having been ill for so many years with interstitial cystitis and creating a new and healthy life for one's self, and then the ultimate--bringing a new life into the world. How wonderful is that? I work with these women (if they want me to) to help through the pregnancy so that certain common practices recommended in pregnancy do not interrupt the progress or the symptom free state they have been able to achieve. It is a very rewarding time in the journey towards wellness for the woman who is pregnant and for me. I really am looking forward to late Spring when these babies come and filling you in on how these women went through their pregnancies and how their babies are. Some other patients are trying to get pregnant of late, and to all of you, I can't wait for that either. IT is so exciting:) And, I think what is more exciting is that, among those who are having babies and may have also experienced some of the issues that we have previosuly discussed on this site regarding lack of nuturing in childhood and Interstitial Cystitis- here is the most wonderful chance to become the mother you wish that you had had as your own--to heal those wounds through giving what you wished you had received. This is a wonderful way of receiving through the gift of love.