Letter From A Loved One

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This week I received a beautiful letter from a husband of one of my patients who has been in treatment for under a year now. He thanked me for helping to give them both their lives
back. He said they had been completely lost at the time they found me and were hopeless.
Over the months he watched as his wife's health improved and he began to see the woman
he had once known emerge from inside the different version of herself that she had more
recently become. I thanked him for taking a moment to share his feelings with me. It
meant a lot to hear it from a loved one. I often say husbands, wives, and Mothers are the
best ones to ask about someone's progress. They are the most objective.

Another of my patients left yesterday for Brazil. He could not eat a meal without having
an out of body kind of experience. He has been through a debilitating struggle with his
health for the past two years and has now reached the other side. He is going to another
part of the world where the food is different, the air is different, and is doing so without
hesitation, knowing he will be OK. This particular patient has had eye trouble since the
onset of his problems. A problem that barely is noticeable anymore.

A third patient is out of the excruciating pain she has been in for the better part of a year.
This problem came after three prescriptions of antibiotics for an ear infection. She was an
old patient that I had helped years and years ago. She had been in abdominal distress that
pulled her out of life..out of functioning normally. She didnt think to call me and ask
me to treat her ears and instead took a prescription, three, and, yes, often that is just fine
but then she admitted to all the candy that she had begun to eat again. Her habits had
returned to not being very health focused. She is now on her way to getting a second
chance at being well.

These were a few people that were on my mind this week. I thought you all may find something in these excerpts that may be helpful. 


Kriste's picture

Thank you Matia for these uplifting stories.  I especially like the one about the eyes as you know this is really one of my problems that I struggle with in believing it will get better.  It is also a good reminder that once we get healthy we should maintain these healthy ways of life.

drbrizman's picture

I put it in for you!