Omega Fish Oils

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MAny of you may know through being treated with me that people having chronic disease often have elevated, sometimes severely cholesterol levels. I have observed that in most cases the cholesterol normalizes without any extra intervention at all and even more interesting, during a diet that is rich in animal proteins. However, in some cases more is needed, and one common remedy used for this purpose is fish oil. Here is an interesting article regarding heart disease and cholesterol and how fish oil may factor in:


jlopatka's picture

My cholesterol has always been high. Runs in the family. Mine has been over 200 even when I was in my 20s. It was weird because I never ate very much fat and did all the low fat versions of stuff. What I didn't know was that when you lower fat in a lot of pre-packaged foods, companies increase sugar to make it taste better. When I was about 23, I got my cholesterol checked on my LDLs were about 160 and my HDLs were 88. My triglycerides were always high too. I couldn't take cholesterol medication though because my HDLs were so high which is good. A normal range for HDLs is in the 40s (that being the upper end) mine were in the 80s which is almost unheard of. If I took medication, not only would it lower the bad (LDLs) but good cholesterol as well. Well, when I started treatment with Matia, not only did I lose a ton of weight (i had gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy) but my cholesterol dropped too. I recently had a cholesterol test. I went in and was not fasting and my cholesterol tested at 132 (the high end of normal for bad is 130) and my HDLs were still high at 88. So, I really think that contrary to what science would tell everyone, meat, butter, etc. doesn't not contribute to high cholesterol, but rather sugar does! I am living proof!

drbrizman's picture

Thanks for writing in Jeanette! This is such an important issue. HUGE! I think there is so much misinformation on this topic and so many people are taking medications and adjusting their diet in a way that is counterproductive to their problem. Thanks!