One Man's Journey

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When I first met with Matia, it was only after many visits to my urologist and several other “alternative” attempts to solve my bladder problem via books and info on the web. I had all the symptoms of CI… frequent, urgent needs to go to the bathroom, pelvic pain etc. It was like having a reoccurring bladder infection with no way to stop it. It seemed to happen around alcohol, but eventually I would “flare up” 3 or 4 times a month regardless of what I was doing. Sometimes these flares would last 5 – 7 days, and it was miserable. If you are reading this, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about.


In my opinion, Matia’s approach seems to be “fix the persons body, and the body will fix the specific problem.” It’s a lot of organic powders, and capsules, and in the beginning, a very strict diet. However, it works… not quickly (in most cases), but it works. When I first saw her, my problem had developed into mild IBS as well… however these symptoms stopped immediately with the diet and have never come back. My IC was a different matter. It has taken a couple of years to really get under control, and I still have to be responsible about what I eat/drink, but in that time it was always getting better. It happens so gradually, I remember after a year I was disappointed that I was not completely cured… yet realized how much better things were. IC was taking over my life… and within a year it was a mild inconvenience every so often…. The flare ups were much less annoying and didn’t last as long. Now I have occasional bouts of irritation, but it’s usually a direct result of my diet and never seems to linger for more then a day or two. Plus Matia is always a phone call or email away when you experience discomfort, and usually has a helpful adjustment to solve the short term problem.


It’s a humbling thing to have a “condition” nobody knows what to do about. A condition that effects your social life, sleep patterns, self esteem, anxiety level, ability to concentrate, ability to travel… and generally makes you miserable most of the day and night. My urologist is very well known, and had guided me through some other difficulties, but had no answers for me. I’m only thankful he had the wisdom to recommend Matia, who in a lot of ways, has helped me restore not only my health… but my life.



michelleg's picture

I havent started doing the treatment yet.I flew to Cali and seen Dr Brizman a Year ago but havent found it in me to get started.I'm sooo sick and everything you said is how I feel.It's taken my life away from me.NOBODY understands ,because I dont look terribly sick,just complain a whole bunch.I take pain meds and I feel they are makin me sicker.It's all so confusing and I'm sooo tired. it's hard to work full time take care of kids, a husband and start a diet and change everything.I keep struggling everyday wondering when I'm gonna have the strength to start this fight.I'm going on 9 years with this disease.I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy.Anyways congrats on your journey and success.