Pushing Through

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If you are feeling sick with aches and pain and chills and simply feeling under the weather, but your bladder is OK, then PUSH PUSH PUSH. Getting started on this route to restoring good health to your body is super tough work. But, not getting on the road to restoring your good health is tougher! It involves much more suffering. 

The other night in the meeting there were question regarding how often "die-off" kinds of symptoms go on. And, I said it really depends greatly on all of the circumstances. It really does go in layers typically. It waxes and wanes but as time passes the curves in the graph become less dramatic and things become more balanced and constant.
Controlling the symptoms of die-off is important to the degree that each person needs to function within their daily responsibilities, but, the body should not be suppressed in a way that inhibits in from becoming stronger. Like exercising it must work harder to get stronger!
This is all very hard work. And, diligence and discipline is so crucial to the process. This is why staying on your diets and following the protocols incrementally forward is so important.
What I do not want people to push through is bladder pain. it is normal for it to vascillate, but I do not want any of you to purposefully endure high levels of sustained pain. Let m eknow if this is happening so that I can adjust your doses!



IC-Hope's picture

THANK YOU for writing this.  You have no idea how badly I needed this push right now.  You know, going into this, the disease itself was so difficult that I had no conception of how challenging the treatment alone could be, how “beyond the bladder” it would go...  
Just the up-and-down rollercoaster of pain can create such an up-and-down rollercoaster of emotions – depressed, less depressed, hopeful, excited, oh no!... deflated, depressed, rinse and repeat.  And for me, some die-off has resurfaced difficult & frightening symptoms I thought were long gone, where it almost seems cruel to have to reexperience them yet again in order to get better.  This process really challenges your hope, tests your strength, tries your patience.
This is also a true challenge in that it sometimes feels like every pleasure big and small (for me- yummy food, sex, socializing, using perfume, taking baths, to name a few) is being taken away from me, even if some of these are temporary and some aren’t good for me anyway.  It’s hard to stay upbeat while these many external sources of happiness are stripped away … yes, I know it’s forcing me to go inward -- a truer and more reliable source of happiness – but I’ll be darned if chocolate cake wasn’t an immediately gratifying slice of heaven before this.
And I didn’t realize that some effects wouldn’t even be physical pain but emotional, and that it could be (at least to self-conscious me) so devastating too.  Like my face breaking out so bad it's morphed into a pepperoni pizza, being so self-conscious I don’t want to go out or face clients or feel attractive to my husband (not that we can do much w/ this bladder thing anyway- hah!).
I know it will be worth it in the end, and believe me I'm committed, but that doesn't make it easy, so thank you for not glossing over this with trite sentiments or detached sympathy, but rather validating what tough work it indeed is and telling us what I suppose we really need to hear most – to just push through.  
I really got a lot from this post – thanks again.

drbrizman's picture

I am so happy to know how much this helped! I try to stay on point and to be helpful-so the feedback is great. But, most of all I am glad it touched you in a way that you needed right now!

Melsvensen's picture

Lisa- You captured the emotions and feeling of this perfectly.  Thank you for sharing.