The Scoop On The Poop

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Remember what your body is designed to do. Each day we eat, we take that food and liquid in, we assimilate our vitamins and we excrete the balance of what is left over. We cannot do these things if we do not leave time for our bodies to conduct these processes. IN today's worl we run around with busy schedules and eat while working and eat while standing--we multi-task. Remember to try and slow things down a bit. Eat dinner with your family, take a rest in the middle of the day to eat a meal. Most importantly, wake up in the morning far in advance of starting your day. LEave time to wake up slowly think about the day, clear your head from your dreams. EAt your breakfast, and POOP! You cannot poop if you don't leave time in your day to do it. YOu must allow your body the space and time it needs to start your day with a great elimination so you are clear and fresh and open for all the food and enrgey of the day that is fro of you. The next day, you do it all over again.


icnot4me's picture

I 100% agree; if I don't go in the morning I don't feel right all day; the more mornings I don't go, the more crampy, achy, full, feeling I become, and the harder it is to concentrate on tasks.  Will it get to a point where it doesn't take soooooooo long to go, LOL!  I know stress really affects my colon; is there a way to relax and "de stress" those muscles?