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As many of you know, I am a huge advocate of raw milk. I met this wonderful old farmer this week who has a raw milk dairy. He made me smile and laugh when he was joking about farms that take perfectly wonderful milk and sell it to be pasteurized. He said, "they take it and then they kill it". So well put! For snacks and often breakfast, I typically do a smoothies. I mix them up and get creative. The options are pretty unlimited and the contents depend on my mood and what I feel that my body is asking for. So obviosuly, I start with raw milk-about 8 oz-I then will often put in raw nut butter-for me maybe walnut because it is one of my favorites, or cashew, or almond and then I will add in a bit of brocolli (yes brocolli!) or spinach, or kale. Sounds awful, I know, but it is delicious! You could add in some fruit or other veggies like carrot. Try it and have fun mixing it up with so many different combinations! Doing raw milk smoothies offers so many vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and probiotics into your body that may be difficult to take in and process otherwise. And the milk protein base will allow it to be metabolized more efficiently into your body ( it wont mess with your sugar and insulin levels) than if you made a juice smoothy from either veg or fuit alone. If you have not ever had raw milk-you don't wnat to just start drinking it freely-start slow and work it up. but this is a great way to add nutrients and lots of flavor to your body. It is definitely a feel good drink. My kids love it too.



Claire's picture

 Thanks for the smoothie suggestions Dr. M. - I'm so enjoying the addition of raw milk into my diet!  Have you seen this Portlandia skit about raw milk?  I thought it was well done and good for a laugh:

drbrizman's picture

I have heard about it but have not seen it. I LOVE comedy-esp about health. Will watch. TY!