Someone Asked About Coffee-EDITED

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For now--coffee should be organic french roast-made with your spring water. When ready you could add a little milk or creme. Later as you get better getting coffee out is doable. Recently, I have been trying to take this subject to the next level-as coffee is said to have mycotoxins in it. So there is the whole thing with Bulletproof coffee-but the problem is is is combined with oils that are cocnut based which would make this intolerable for anyone with IC. But, I do not know if all coffees are alike mycotoxin wise. I think they are not.

I found this article very interesting--


I forgot to say-keep it to one to two cups per day-no more. I do believe too much coffee can cause problems and less may be beneficial. Further-I just received this article from someone this am-I was not aware of this brand. I am happy to be aware of it now, as I am certain many of you will as well:


deir's picture

I am doing the internet equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and humming. I can't even bear it to read any bad news about coffee.

drbrizman's picture


I know, I know! I heard about this a while back but have not been able to focus on it. I have my one cup a day as well and didnt want to hear it either. The thing is-anything we eat or drink or eat isnt perfect. My philosophy is minimize. So, if that is the worst you are doing, you are probably OK. The funny thing is-if you read both articles, the non organic coffee may in this case be a better choice as for the mycotoxins-irony yes I know. However, it may be good to know about the other brand and perhaps buying that one is a good choice for the home.  I have a friend who works for the EPA-he is at the top level over there and when the Japan incident happened, I was very freaked out. I was talking to him about it. He said, "Matia, there are things to worry about, but that isn't one of them." I didnt ask what the things I needed to worry about were-I didnt want to know because of course, there are so many environmental issues going on. We can only control so much! There are so many articles about coffee prooving to be beneficial in some ways, and I ahve also correlated in about 90% of my patients it helping with feeliings in the bladder, so drink your little bit of cofffee per day and don't let this article be too upsetting.