Support Group Meeting

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Tomorrow, Saturday's Support Group Meeting is at 4:00 Pacific. Same dial in # and code.
Please post topics of interest on this post and we will pick the top 3 or 4--doing our best
with time. 


janejones's picture

My suggestion would be yeast, candida and the die-off symptoms they cause. I would like to understand more about this topic.

nicole's picture

can we talk about the connection between the hormones and yeast I ++

nicole's picture

what about things like Fibro that seem to consume so much of the body. Is that a bacteria what part of the body is that related to in chinese medicine? I know it's comon in IC to have these secondary symptoms.

emmarenee's picture

I would like to hear more about yeast and die off.

toreyg's picture

i would also like to know more about yeast and die off. and i would like to know why alot of my pain radiates more to one side of my body than the other. the left side!:)