We Need To Be More Green-On Our Earth and In Our Bodies!

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Much of what I "preach" is treating your body like it is your temple--because, it IS your temple. As I have said in the past, we need to do our best and try to live a normal life at the same time. None oof us can escape toxins 100%. But, if we try to minimize those toxins we use on this planet and we subject ourselves to, we can start becoming healthier in our bodies, and in our environment which will help us now and help our children in the future. Please read this article, it drives home this thought as sad as it is:



jlopatka's picture

I was just having this discussion with my husband the other day.  I was saying that the state of the earth is a direct mirror of our own health.  I wonder if we did things that were better for us if the earth would "get better" too.  I am speaking of if we walked to work/biked to work or took mass transit.  My father takes mass transit and even though he is not exercising, he says he uses that time to rest and meditate.  I wonder if we ate more things like broccoli/zucchini instead of wheat based products and corn based products if that would be easier on the land and in turn the environment.  If you look at what "goes bad" first, it is usually bread over cabbage which has antibacterial properties.  Very interesting food for thought (no pun intended).  I think definitely the message needs to get across and hopefully more people will get on board.

drbrizman's picture

I TOTALLY agree! I have said a few times amongst personal friends that I almost liken IC to global warming. But, they thought that was super NON-PC. However, I dont think it is far from the truth. I think we are the micro image of what we have been doing on the macro. IT is sad, and I hope that through this borad we can all be a small part of our own movement in redirecting awareness.

nicole's picture

The Day you posted this I was calling fex ex about there envelopes. You know they do not recyle them and this puzzles me. They are only made from 7% recyled parts so I can't recycle them either. I asked them if they take them back and they said no but thats a good idea. I can't belive they don't. I try to recycle everything I can and it is my goal to get off grid someday. I can feel the earth getting hotter I know it's not just my hormones lol. I was wondering if you wanted to take the envolopes back to reuse? My last one was only overnight the glue on it was still very good.
I try to take part in every way possible here. I belong to freecycle on yahoo. I have energy efficent appliances and I don't use harsh chemicals. So far that is my part to not adding to the landfill. Most people call me a hippy because I am always one to speak up and protest things.
As far as health goes I do have my favorite champion juicer. This has a mill attachement for grains as well. I haven't bought anything prepackaged in ages. That also saves me on my trash. I have a compost for my garden and I enjoy picking my herbs and veggies from it. I would post some of my pictures in here but the pictures are so small.
Light bulbs I can't stand those compact floresent bulbs The amount of energy that it takes to make them is really not that good anyway. LED is the way to go really. They are very expensive to start but they last a long time and I think once they take off they will get lower in price.
You can go to treehugger.com for good things to do your part on being green.I have also heard they are working on a paint that is solar power imagine the possibilites. I am excited for that!!!

drbrizman's picture

i actually did not know about led bulbs. everything i had read indicated that flourescent bulbs were actually good for the environment bc they last so long. I will lokk into the led. Thanks!