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AS all of you probably know, agave nectar is one natural sweetener that I recommend often. The following article argues that all of the great things about agave is hype and untrue. WOW! That is all I can say. I need to research a lot of the arguments within this very loaded article, but I can tell you, I recommend agave not only because of what I have read over the years, but much more because of what I have clinically observed. People who consume agave sweetened goodies do far better than sugar for certain and even the very healthy sweetener--honey! Much better, hands down. And, there may be many additional reasons for that that are long and involved to get into. But, I cannot say how much I disagree with this article. I think that agave does not complicated the imbalance in the microorganisms that are commonly a problem with people having chronic diseases like IC, whereas honey does. Maple syrup has been touted as wonderful as well, and I believe that is probaby true, although, I have not really observed many people over the years consuming it. But, honey for certain can adversely affect people in larger quantities until they are super well balanced. And, at that point, I still think agave is more gentle. Anyway, here is the artcicle for you to read:


MR203's picture

I agree that honey is not great. Honey makes me feel awful in EVERY way!! I get flare ups and irritation and just feel bad in general. I use a little Maple syrup and I find that I do ok. Agave seems ok for me too but we like the taste of maple syrup better so we use it more. And if I have to much of any sweetner, i feel bad of course.

kpray's picture

I really truelly don't know which one is better.  But I know that they had a really good expereince with honey for all kinds of flues and bronchitidis in the past in Europe. I don't know the recepies much but one of those was boiling cut up onion in the water, drink then the broth with honey and it helped to sooth the cough. I tried this a couple of times with my son and it did helped, especially when I gave him some of the herbs with it. But it has to be honey from a farmer, not the one that you buy in grocerie store. My grandfather who will be 100 yrs of age on Christmas, he also used it when he had cough and he used 1/2 spoon of honey and 1/2 spoon of lemon. He also used all kinds of herbal tea with it. I think he had never taken antibiotics in his life and he did have tubercolosis when he was 6, which he sais that his parents sent him to his grandmother to the moutains and she got him well by drinking goats milk, herbs and meat from her farm.  It is said that I did not realize all this natural healing sooner since he is my grandfather.  On the other hand, I mainly believe that he got to live 100 because he has been very optimistic in his life, he worked until he was 80 and he never let anything to put him down, even though he lived trough world war I and II and trough communismus as well.  Anyway, back to honey, I personally hated honey ever since I was little.  I cannot stand the smell or the taste.  My kids like it if I put it occasionally in their herbal tea in the mornings for breakfast.