Another Belated Pregnancy Story

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This story too will find its permanent place on our kids page, but, I thought I would highlight it here first. One of my patients saw the story I posted the other day and sent her story in a few days later:)

Hi. I’m Melissa, and at 32 years old gave birth to my gorgeous daughter, Keira.

Looking back, I can see that I was creating the ‘perfect storm’ for IC from an early age. I always loved sugar, bread, and carbs and ate them in excess. Starting at age fifteen I began taking birth control pills for painful periods, and continued to take them for thirteen more years. In my early 20’s I had surgery to remove my tonsils. A few months later I experienced the absolute agony of what I thought was my first bladder infection. My doctor gave me antibiotics without confirming an infection. A pattern of ‘infections’ started every month for several months, until finally my doctor called one day and said ‘STOP taking your antibiotics. I’m looking at your records, and you have not had one bladder infection’. YIKES.

The physical, mental, and emotional pain that followed for the next year or two still make me cringe. I started getting frequent, debilitating pain that would leave me nearly unable to function for weeks at a time. I had terrible bladder spasms, my physical relationship with my now-husband was almost non-existent, and I was in absolute despair. Then, one week after I got engaged I had my worst flare, and it didn’t go away for a month. I found Matia one desperate night of searching online, and hopped a plane from St. Louis to LA a few days later to see her.

I decided to go ‘cold turkey’ with all of my prescription medications (9 of them) when I started working with Matia. I have never had a flare since working with her. I only got progressively better, not only with my bladder, but awful stomach problems, insomnia, anxiety, and a whole host of other symptoms. It was not a quick fix, but now that I’m a holistic health coach I understand the beauty in ‘getting out of the body’s way’ to allow it to heal itself naturally through food and natural supplementation.

Three years after working with Matia, my husband and I conceived our now precious 9-month-old daughter, after one time of trying (I never thought I would have a cycle again, let alone such an easy conception!). My pregnancy was incredible in terms of my bladder. I had absolutely no issues at all --before, during, or after. I am so happy that I waited until my body was really well balanced before I brought another life in the world. And now, my daughter has a happy, healthy mom to take care of her!


emmarenee's picture

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm always happy to hear a story of recovery. I to was put on birth control at 15 because my cramps would keep me in bed. I took them for almost 20 years. Always with my doctors assurance that they were fine to take for long periods of time. I came down with IC in my mid 40's when my children were 3 & 7. I was lucky to find Matia very early in my symptoms. I can not imagine what my life would be like right now if I hadn't found her (like you) late one night searching the internet. You are fortunate to have had Matia to help you regain a healthy balance before having children. My daughter has had pre-IC symptoms since the age of 2 1/2. We went to see Matia together. It's the best thing I've ever done for her. She will not know the pain of IC and her life will be healthy from making good choices. I wouldn't wish IC on anybody but the experience has changed my life and that of my family, for the better in so many ways. Tammy

Dasha's picture

Matia, thank you so much for posting this. It really inspires me to move forward with my treatment. I sooooo want kids soon but I understand that it's incredibly important to get better first.