Baby Gas

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I was speaking to one of my daughter's classmate's mother the other day about advice given by her pediatrician (who is a very hip one) vs. what seems best to do. We were kind of laughing as mothers do about the different kinds of advice that can be given and we talked a bit about things to do.

Coincidentally, Boaz just sent this article to me this morning (sometimes we only have time to converse through email :) ) and I thought it was really interesting.

I am not advocating the herbsin this article at all! I want to make that clear. However, the point of the article is interesting. I would have given that mother different advice. But, this sounds very much like the toothpaste post I did last year when I had my daughter read the back of the children's toothpaste in the store she wanted me to buy her and it said to call poison control if accidentally swallowed. 

Anyway, interesting article:

Dr.M & B


MR203's picture

Thank you for posting this!!! I don't even have kids and found this so interesting. And I DO have many friends and family members with new babies who are having gas troubles. I shared this with all of them! 

Christine222's picture

Ok, my baby is 17 but I loved reading that! Lord knows what I put into her little body when she was young, but I hope it was nothing to terrible!