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I want to clear up a concept that I think needs illumination.

Imbalance takes many forms. It can come in the form of imbalance in organisms, which, is a huge part of the focus of my treatment, but, where did that imbalance come from?

One needs to look at constitution, diet, medications that have been taken, and various lifestyle issues that may be effecting physiology as well.

In Chinese medicine, the cause of the condition is of equal importance as the condition itself. 

Realizing this, one cannot simply look at starving out yeast or bacteria as the only focal point in treatment. This is why effecting a healthy balance is so important to look at from many perspectives.

For example, in Chinese medicine, we look at different kinds of energy that may be deficient or excess and the relationships between those excesses and deficiencies between organs and organ systems. Each organ has its own set of energies. Different organs control one another in various way and these control issues balanced or imbalanced effect the rest of the body. One straight forward example is bloating. Bloating is often due to overgrowth of microorganisms in the small intestine. However, the inability to digest in the first place and this overgrowth may be owing to a deficiency of what we refer to as Spleen Yang for example. A deeper look into a situation like this from the standpoint of Chinese medicine is that where there is Spleen Yang deficiency, there is often Kidney Yang deficiency and when those two exist in concert, the heart is often involved, making it very vulnerable and dependent upon factors such as diet, stress, and lifestyle. Changing levels in blood sugar and insulin levels can tremendously effect such things and is commonly adversely effected by an imbalanced delivery of proteins and starches in
the diet.

If you endeavor to balance the microorganisms but do not deal with the spleen yang deficiency, then it wont address the core problem and it will keep coming back. The core problem must be dealt with while the resulting imbalance of the problem is also addressed.

Physiologically speaking, diet helps to stabilize many of these issues while one endeavors to rebalance the problems in the body with supplements. Diet should be used as a way of stabilizing and supporting changes. Diets that are not balanced and throw the body too far off in one direction or another can create problems and disrupt the core problems as well as the process of rebalancing the body.

Over the years I have had so many patients who have gone through this protocol the way I have guided them through it. I have also had many patients divert from my treatment because of other diets or treatments that were recommended at the time. Alkaline diet is a big example, food combing is another, and there are certainly there are many more examples.

The reason that I recommend the diet that I do is that I endeavor to safeguard the body's normal physiological processes while I work with supplements to correct the imbalances that have occurred.
Going through the steps and stages that I recommend are very important and not cheating is very important so that the body goes through its series of changes in proper order. Much like stopping antibiotics in the middle of a course of them and going back to taking them, often this negates the effectiveness of the antibiotic. 

Treatment for chronic disease is multi-dimensional as is the processes that occur with every day physiological processes. EAch are very delicate.

While many dietary ideas seem logical, there may be many behind the scenes concepts that become complicated by such changes. This is the reason that professional guidance is critical in such cases.

Making changes on your own may be in your worst interest.

Dr. Brizman 


Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

I have found this really useful information.  Thank you for taking the time to write this.