Changing The Future

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A very big part of what we do is not only to treat those seeking help for their Interstitial Cystitis, but to educate people regarding the prevention of such chronic health conditions. Changes in our mindset and lifestyle is often critically important to improving our health. 

If you open any magazine or watch commercials on TV-you see countless advertisements leading you to believe various drugs are the solution to your problems. I am not one to say that conventional medication does not have it's place-it does. However, it is often used in ways and for situations that may otherwise be treated by means that will not place a person in danger of difficult to reverse side effects.

A common place for young women to fall into is birth chemical birth control. When a young woman subjects her body to additional hormones and is therefore falsely controlling her cycle-this places her body in danger of chronic inflammatory conditions. The reason for this is that the combination of the additional burden of hormones and the consequent false manipulation of her cycle disturbs the Gut Microbiome. When this kind of disruption occurs, this may slowly encourage an inflammatory process to occur over time.

The very frightening aspect of this is that it may be taking place without you knowing until the actual onset of the condition. At that point it may feel like an acute change, but in actuality, it has been taking place in your body over a long period of time. When this happens, it may take an even longer time to try and reverse.

I thought about this most recently when I was in an airplane reading a magazine where there was an entire page dedicated to a new chemical birth control. The page displayed smiling young beauties which of course makes other young women subconsciously think they too will be like those women if they choose that form of birth control. The next two pages were easy to pass as they were displayed in a very unattractive form but indicated all of the potential side effects of this medication to the user.

It is human nature to presume the positive-that you will only recieve the wanted benefits of something and not the unwanted. Sadly, this is often not true.

It is my hope that as healthcare practitioners involved with alternative thinking and treatment--we educate and prevent prevent prevent! Some of our most gratifying work has been with what used to be young children whom were effected by either being patients themselves or learning from their mothers having gone through treatment-their own young lives having changed as a consequence of their monther's suffering.

I think a bigger problem however, is the receptivity of this message--people need to want to hear it and that is just not always the case of course. Last week a patient of mine, along with her doctor was overjoyed and blown away because her Kidney function markers were astoundingly improved for the first time in more than a decade after working with us. He was so convinced of the the lifestyel changes this patient of ours has made and of the work she has been doing with Bomamed, that he proceeded to tell some of his other patients about considering dietary changes and perhaps consulting with us. Thos patients actually left his care and sought treatment with other conventional doctors and told him that they felt that these opinions he was giving them were an indication that he was not the kind of doctor that they wanted to be in the care of.

I was both deeply appreciative of having been acknoweldged by this doctor so far away from us and shocked by the response that he had to experience by patients toward whom he only wanted to give the best care to-an integrated care.

Things are changing and will continue to change for the better as more of us work together combining our forms of expertise and experience to those seeking a more broad, integrative, and holistic Life.

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DLFox123's picture

It is SO good to see a post.  This isn't really on topic - I was just curious - what is healthcare like in China?


drbrizman's picture

Thank you Denise!:) I have not followed China for a while. But, I know in the past few decades they have really been becoming more Westernized, IRONICALLY! However, when you go to a hospital there-there is integrative care IN the hospital! Which, is awesome!