Chemical Birth Control

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Finally some awareness is being paid to the potentially dire consequences of using chemical birth control. Unsuspecting young women subject themselves to the very harmful side effects of birth control every day because they trust the medical system to give them the best advice for their helath.

Unfortunately, this advice is not always in their best interest even if it does keep them form becoming pregnant prematurely. There are better ways of protecting yourself from pregnancy. It isn't THAT hard.

You can only get pregnant when around ovulation and if you use condoms and dont have sex during your ovulatory phase, you nealry eliminate any chance of becoming pregnant. And the icing on the cake is that condms prevent most STDs!

I am glad there is some awareness on this issue being brought to light, I only wish it was more:

Dr. B 


deir's picture

I feel like this is a Feminist issue and women need to take control of the knowledge of how their bodies work! I never knew anything until I experienced infertility (after 5 years of the PIll argh!!) then I got the book "Take Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Wechsler I recommend that book to every woman I know with any fertility issues. But really all women should understand this information. Ironically (I say this with respect because I am a cradle Catholic) the Catholic church teaches Natural Family Planning and although in that faith tradition you are not supposed to prevent pregnancy through condom use or even withdrawal- the teaching of the natural fertility signs shows at least some  respect for women.  I used to preach "why don't people just get on the PIll?" meanwhile suffering with the only cavities, sinus infections, lack of libido and UTI's I ever had before or since.
Anyway- I do not shy from telling people how dangerous the Pill is anymore. We need to understand our bodies. THAT would be some true progress!!

Christine222's picture

I've been married for 20 years and have never used birth control. Unless you have irregular periods it's pretty easy to not get pregnant using other, natural methods. So glad I was never on the pill!

calieve's picture

My previous Doctors (GYN, and Urologist) both told me that birth control was a miracle drug, that it will fix all my hormone problems, and bladder problems. They were such liars!
I am so glad I have a Doctor now that tells the truth, and that shares so many articles about it with us!

drbrizman's picture

I do think that they are horrific and toxic. But, I also believe that the MDs prescribing them DO BELIEVE that they ARE miracle drugs. They are absolutely of the mindset that these prescritpion drugs fix almost everything. These opinions reflect their training. I think modern medicine is caught in the cross fires of change at the moment. But, it WILL change, and the conciousness will shift.

calieve's picture

That's understandable, they believe in what they were trained. I will be happy when it does change though, because it is so sad about everyone that takes them and ends up paying the price.