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Someone asked me why I recommend raw milk vs coconut which is recommended by the Paleo system and the Paleo system has many similarities to my dietary recommendations.

Here is the fundamental problem I have with coconut-it is an antifungal. Antifungals, like antibiotics natural or not natural need to be used when they are indicated and can cause huge imbalances when they are not.

In doing the work I have been doing all of these years, I have found that the variables involved in getting people well from IC (and other chronic illness) are almost as numerous as the individuals having it. So considering that, there are some things I do for one person and not another-so many things can vary greatly in treatment. There are a few definites-water is one-100% of the time, spring water is necessary through treatment. Another definite-coconut ingested on any regular basis during or after treatment will regress the symptoms, 100% of the time.

Why? Antifungals and antibacterials will agitate the gut and undo what is done. They should only be used within a balanced protocol. When you are done treatment, you can have it from time to time, but not every day!




C's picture

Thank you for this post, I had been wondering about coconut lately as well, this is helpful :) anything that could regress symptoms is definitely something I want to avoid!'s picture

Thank you for this great explanation!!! Very helpful. Definitely not worth the agitation.