Emotions and Imbalances

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I exchanged emails the other day egarding the subject of emotions and organ imbalances from the perspective of Chinese medicine. The person I was conversing with was saying that as she understood it anger is the emotion of the bladder as is mentioned from the perspective of others who have written on this condition.

First, I want to underscore my absolute position that this condition is NOT YOUR FAULT!. And sometimes when a subject liket his comes up, it is on the border of suggesting it is. I do not agree! In my opinion and with everything I have also learned in my years of education in Chinese medicine-emotions and organ imbalances are a two way street. Emotions often effect your organs, but just as often, and I beleive actually even more commonly, the emotions that are being expressed by a person are a result of the organ imbalance in the body.

There may also be a complex series of emotions that are rather overlaying one another and this helps to zero in on all of the organs that may be disturbed and how. A simplistic chart on this subject may be found at- http://www.orientalmedicine.com/five-element. There are different expressions of the same emotion depending on the imbalance though, so these emotions may be further differentiated depending on if the imbalance is excess or deficiency. Anger for example is correlated with the liver, but, if the liver is excessively disturbed, a person will express outward rageful anger, whereas if it is deficient, feelings of depression and internalizing anger will be more common.  Anger as it relates to the Liver may often be involved with IC because of all that I have explained in my dissertation relating to microbial translocation effecting the Liver. When the Liver is excessive, it can go down and effect the Kidneys via the 5 Elemental cycle as well as the Zang Fu cycle-too long an explanation here. Basically the Liver effects the genitalia. So, when the Liver is toxic, the genitals are typically effected-the entire urogential region. So, this is more how I would connect the dots between IC and anger when in actuality anger is not directly related to the bladder itself, it is fear.

As practitioners, these are the kinds of things wer are looking for when we are listening to people as we observe them. Sighing, for another example, is typically indicative of frustration. People with Liver imbalances often sigh a lot-this is an expression of an emotional state. 

People who have IC very often have anxiety disorders-this is correlated with the Heart imbalance. The Small Intestine falls in the same category. Interesting right?! What is even more interesting is the Liver, which is very correlated in Western medicine with the lymphatic system is referred to as "the mother of the Heart"-which is the Fire Element (remember also containing the small Intestine). 

To get quite personal, but, I am happy to share, this subject came up in conversation because I need to get on an airplane next week due to a family tragedy and I am so utterly afraid of flying. This was not true in my entire yought. My father had his own small aricraft and we would fly with him as children. In my early 20's I had a life saving kidney surgery. That was a game changer for me-since then fear set in in many areas of my life and most especially effected my ability to fly. Air is the opposite of Water (the Kidney energy). So, you see the logice? Not enough Kidney energy (my kidneys were anatomically changed). I cannot bear to be in the air. The Air lessens the Water even further.

Is this interesting to you? It is one of endless interesting subjects in Chinese medicine. Alot of this crosses over to 5 Element theory-for more reading on this a great book is "Between Heaven and Earth". Chinese medicine offers insight into the human body in this completely different way-so many different thoeries and all so beautiful.

Again, not placing blame, but suggesting that insight should be applied to understand the human body even better as these imbalances are correlated with emotions.



C's picture

Matia, this is a really interesting post, but I'm so sorry to hear you've had a family tragedy, I hope you're OK and that the flight goes OK, too. C


Christine222's picture

This is sooo interesting, thank you for posting things like this. I remember right before I got sick I used to sit in the bathroom after fighting with my husband and screaming internally, I would clench my fists and scream but emit no sound. We were having some problems and I would just explode internally. I have since let this go and things with us have gotten so much better, but I have always felt that this internal anger along with a lot of other things led me to getting IC.

cprince's picture

I am so sorry to hear about the family tragedy and do hope everything is ok! :( I find it so fascinating, and I have a fear of flying more so because I don't feel like my body can adjust to the pressure changes, my ears always feel like they are going to burst. I think that has something to do with a kidney connection? Oh, and the anxiety, anger, fear you name it yes, oh my, so many strange things my body does that I wish I had some control over to prevent more pain. Maybe severing the whole urogenital liver connection would do the trick?!

orsyla's picture

Dear Dr. Matia, Thanks a lot for sharing this. It is very interesting and helps me understand what is going on with my mood. I am so sorry to hear that you have had family tragedy. I do hope everything is ok with you and the flight goes well. Orsi

lolo's picture

Dear Dr M: Yes!  much appreciated info on emotions and organs...whetted appetite for more! Thank you.

I was in the airline industry and did a lot of flying; also travelling for vacations etc. I'm still here!

 know there;s a big difference between practical thought  to address fear and the actual fear that comes from a deeper place, But, wanted to share that I began to take a pair of good quality comfy  earphones and compact disc player with me. I diverted my thoughts by listening to audios on subjects  (i am curious/passioante about) and also escape -listening, like fiction/true stories etc.) It allows me to lay back, close eyes and immerse in the subject w/o effort. It really helps...maybe for you, too?

May you have a good trip and successful outcome with the family. God speed you back home, happy with the trip!



drbrizman's picture

Thanks Lolo! That is almost exactly what I do already-headphones and music (not learning CDs). But, that is a great idea I can try. I do think it is hard for th emind to concentrate on two intense felings silumltaneously. Thank you for the words of comfort:)

drbrizman's picture

I am glad everyone liked this post-I didn't quite expect that for some reason. This is the kind of thing in CM that to me is also so completely fascinating.

I will try to do more posts like this one!