Future Generations

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Will hoepfully be much wiser than we have been and not use toxic chemicals in our food supply. It is disgusting that anyone has done this in the first place but more so that these practices are continued in the aftermath of etablsihing the connection with cancer.



cprince's picture

It so scary to read all of this and the title couldn't be more perfect, Gut Wrenching, literally! Ugh, to think of all the lives that have been and continue to be destroyed each and everyday with the chemical additives in food. Feeling very emotional over this topic today. There needs to be more public display of what your insides look like on GMOs, like the campaigns for drugs and tobacco. I can just see it, a picture plastered at the end of each aisle at the grocery store of a different organ with tumors or inflamed gut. Ok, maybe a little over the top and unappetizing but something extreme needs to change to save others from pain and suffering! 

fahlmank's picture

One valuable source for information on various health/ environmental issues is EWG or Environmental Working Group. I regularly read their articles and enjoy some of their videos on YouTube such as "10 Americans".... Very interesting. New legislation regarding GMO's has been recently introduced by Sen Mike Pomeo. I have posted the link for this very important legislation and an opportunity to take action if you are so inclined.....

cprince's picture

Thanks for this info Katie!