Genes Or Environment?

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I have said what this article says in countless ways over the years without the scientific research to back up this position. I just got this article in from someone and had to post it immediatley! I could not agree with it more.  I have seen so much evidence to support this so far in my decade and a half of practice and I am certain when I am old and grey, I will have much more to clinically support it. for now, I will continue to post anything on the subject, bc I do feel we have control over our health and our destiny and are not prioner to our genepool! 



cprince's picture

Great article! I love to have these articles to pass along to family/friends to help them better understand the importance of changing their diets to better their health. Sure they give me a hard time now for my dedication to such a strict diet, but we see who will be feeling/looking better a few years down the road! Darn opportunistic bugs (bacteria/yeast) just wish they were a little easier to get rid of!:)

calieve's picture

Thanks for posting I love reading this stuff.