Gut Microbes and Health

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Here are two fascinating articles on the Gut. Researchers are only at the edge of discovering what our internal environment is really about. The balance of these organisms influence our health and disease as well. There are trillions of organisms inside us and the balance of those organisms in our small intestine help to comprise 70% of our immune system. People do not realize how important that balance is.

These articles say similar things, but, I thought I would include both, especially because the second one speaks about using bacteria as an alternative to antibiotics, which, in essence, many alternative doctors, including myself, are doing. But, if the work these researchers are doing could unfluence Western medicine in this way, it could positively effect our entire medical system, as it is though by many, including myself, that antibiotics are widely overused and this overuse contributes to chronic illness in many individuals.

So, take a moment and read these, they are pretty fascinating.


Wen57's picture

Matia, I really liked reading these articles.  I have been reading a lot of similar things.  There is so much to research and I think we are just starting to scratch the surface.  I think we are going in the rignt direction though and medicine will have huge changes in the next 100 years.  I hope foods and nutrition get good research also.  All these fake foods are killing us and feeding our bad bacteria and yeasts.  
I am so glad that you are always learning and reading new research.  There is so much out there, and lots of new stuff every day.  Thank you for helping people with bladder pain.  There are not many people that are focused on it exclusively.   I have been helped and am still learning all the time too.  I am currently reading "Get the Sugar Out" which has great ideas and recipes for someone who can eat fruits.   

drbrizman's picture

So glad you enjoyed them. If you dig back in the archives of this site, there are many more of them!