Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Every night before I go to sleep, I say my "prayers" (not imposing any belief system on others). But those words that I express are not requests, they are thanks for everything I have in my life. And, that list always includes how grateful I am for each day that my family and I are still here on this planet, safe and sound, it includes how grateful I am that there are so many people in the world trying hard to make it a better place in terms of peace and world conciousness, that there were no disasters that particular day that brought harm to others. I also always express tremendous gratitude for the lives I have been able to touch in a positive way and if I express and plea at all, it is for that to be multiplied to include those I have not been able to help more than I have. 

When I wake in the morning, I always take another moment to remind myself how lucky I am to sit up with my own muscles and place my feet upon the floor. I am grateful for both my feet as well as the floor and the roof above my head and that I can move my body to begin my day and do all of the things I physically and mentally need to do with my own control. I am grateful for my eyes that allow me to see what I am doing. Those are gifts that many do not have and yet we forget to be grateful for those things we take for granted everyday that others would give anything to have. There were times (many) in my life that those simple things could easily have been taken away from me, and I am thankful every day that they were not taken from me.

My goal in life is to make every day matter, because each day is a gift-literally, and we take those days in sum instead of in parts. But, it is the parts that equal that sum, so I feel a great importance in remembering to make each of those parts count being mindful of every word that comes out of my mouth and every expression that is created by my actions. The energy emitted from each of us creates the wave forms of the energy that gets spread around the world and is what makes the world a better place. Happiness starts with each of us with every moment of every day.

There have been many moments, days, weeks, months and even years when life was not so simple-and was not so "easy", where I felt a betrayal of my body, my mind, and my spirit. But, determination, patience and tenacity brought me to better days, and in those dark moments I tried to keep my mind strong and reminded myself that more could be taken away from me and I needed to be grateful that more things had not been taken away at that time.

However difficult things may be, they often can be much more difficult. To me, life is about how we navigate ourselves through life's obstacles, or, maybe they are lessons, that we need to pass. This is my personal view. Many of these lessons seem unfair, but that is not something that any of us have tools to accurately access. I think instead of focusing on that, we should focus on these obstacles and persevere and that strength reverberates back strength eventually because the energy we put out multiplies and flourishes.

So, today, try to be grateful for the "small" things that we take for granted. They are bigger than we know. To others those small things are as large as life. As hard as it is, try to be grateful that what you have been given to endure is not more than it is. Dig deep and find your strength to fight through the darkness, the light is around the coming corners.

I am speaking in the "I" becuase it is more natural, but, this post is an expression from both Boaz and myself. Boaz and I both want to also express a personal thanks to each of your individual emails as well. They have touched our hearts as each of you do each day we are able to have the opportunity to interact with you.

Thank YOU!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and your families.

Dr.M & B



deir's picture

Thank you for this wonderful post! Gratitude is a very important part of my life and my healing journey. For me it has never helped to compare myself to other people either favorably or unfavorably- somehow that always brings me back to but "why me? "Or I end up feeling guilty for being so sad about the IC when so many people have so many worse things. What has helped is to focus every day on what I DO have. Every night for over 2 years, I write a few things I am grateful for that day. The key to this has been EVERY day - not just when I am feeling good or happy. That would be too easy. Easy to be grateful when the weather is sunny (literally and figuratively) What has helped turn my focus and change my life is to do it (almost) every single day no matter what is going on. Some nights, I have only written:"My heating pad." Other days it is a big long list "My husband's unconditional love," etc. Thinking back over the day, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.Sometimes it is big things "I finally performed in a great show again, my 3 children, living in a free country" Sometimes it is tiny things "the bright maple leaves, my coffee, I have fairly nice hair" It has been a wonderful chronicle to look back on as well when I am feeling down. I always use a little wire bound sketchpad to write in. I am on to my 4th! I think it can be hard to be grateful when pain is distracting you from the world of beauty and the gifts that are there all the time. This journaling has helped me to not forget that there is goodness all around me.

Happy Thanksgiving!

drbrizman's picture

I LOVE that Deir. That is beautiful.

lolo's picture

It took me a long time to recognize that the experience of "Gratitude" is itself the greatest gift to receive. I came to realize that suffering (as in this disease, as well as other obstacles) is part of the Gift because without it we couldn't really know Gratitude..
This is a wonderful message to receive today..You speak to me and for me dear Dr M
Everyday, I am thankful I found you on this journey...
Happy Thanksgiving to all fellow ICers...

drbrizman's picture

Someone wrote this to me and I suggested sharing because I thought it was so insightful and beautiful. She asked me to post this anonymously as she did not want others to know who wrote it:


I really loved your post on gratitude. One thing I am noticing in amongst all my darkness and this struggle to get well , is that I am actually calmer and maybe even happier at times than some of my friends - is this possible ? When I cry so much and feel so desperate and have been fighting so long. When I am in pain ? But somehow it seems true. I listen to them complaining about phone calls or small irritations or frustrations at work and they are so stressed and it reminds me to breathe and see how much more grateful I am from being ill so long. That I have learnt so much and found some space in a weird way. That I am more alive and able to notice the sun or the heating in my flat or my clean duvet cover ! I am inspired that you have kept this through your healthy and happy years too as I can't imagine how I will be when my life improves and I become better balanced. But I hope that I will feel the same gratitude and hold into what I'm learning. It is about Keeping the mind strong and I am grateful for my strong mind through all this ! I'm grateful for you too and all you do and the way you help me and support me without ego and judgement.

livandlex's picture

Love this! Dr. M thank you for sharing your heart - always <3