I am Sorry I have Not Posted Very Much Lately

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Sometimes, I feel that inspiration is so plentiful, I can barely contain it, and I have so many things I want to say and post, while other times, I feel like I am accumulating thoughts and experiences with people and silence is something I need to observe because too much is going on.

It has been an overwhelming couple of months in many ways. And, as always, I try my best to be present, in the moment, listening to all the things I need to listen to, so I can regurgitate the appropriate answer for the person who needs it, and sometimes, for myself as well.

I was having a conversation with someone earlier this week about the meaning behind struggle in life and what we do with that. How do we turn struggle around into something positive and meaningful?

I have posted many times on this thought. Although like everyone, I struggle with my ideas on life and beliefs, ultimately, I do believe that "life" has its reasons and it is the purpose of life to cultivate each of us as we journey through it. These struggles become us, define us, sculpt us into better people if we allow it.

Someone told me about a book-Broken Open-that is all about this philosophy. I just ordered it and plan to read it. If anyone reads a book that they feel is helpful, please pass it on, as the words of others can often bring so much comfort in the way of offering a different perspective that we have not thought of before.

Another person I was having this same conversation with sent me the following poem that she says Nelson Mandela used to recite to himself in all of his years of captivity in order to comfort himself and stay strong. I thought I would share this with you as well as it touched me deeply:

Out of the night that covers me, 
Black as the Pit from pole to pole, 
I thank whatever gods may be 
For my unconquerable soul. 

In the fell clutch of circumstance 
I have not winced nor cried aloud. 
Under the bludgeonings of chance 
My head is bloody, but unbowed. 

Beyond this place of wrath and tears 
Looms but the Horror of the shade, 
And yet the menace of the years 
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. 

It matters not how strait the gate, 
How charged with punishments the scroll. 
I am the master of my fate: 
I am the captain of my soul
William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) 


Anonymous's picture
Anonymous (not verified)

Matia, thanks for this post. It feels good reading.
Funny, since couple of hours--before reading your post, I have been checking one book about Nelson Mandela on Amazon, which I plan to buy soon: http://www.amazon.com/reader/0307460681?_encoding=UTF8&query=love#reader...
As for the helpful books, it is not directly related to the struggles of life, though I found it so helpful to me, and it opened my eyes--especially the parts related to the control struggle between people: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
Another book I can recommend is Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz,
and I love reading Rumi.

lolo's picture

YES! This is a gift, Matia, for this IC journey and also a memory from my childhood.  I'd forgotten my Dad very often quoted the last verse of this poem. He certainly had major struggles in his life that were therefore major in mine and I was impatient with him as he recited this as advice. NOW, here I am, reminded by your gift and placing this very poem in my chest of treasures to use during these times....life is certainly mysterious!
Thank you for the whole poem...and I have put Broken Open on my wishlist...This search of "life and beliefs" continues..I think that is part of the reason for being..and honour you times to reflect...
Thank you.....
sharing  my current favourite:
"Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offerring.
There is a crack in everything;
that's how the light gets in.."

Wen57's picture

Here is a song that I love, and that has a lot of meaning for the IC community.  He wrote it about encouraging friends to be vunerable enough to cry.  We have all cried from pain, frustration, and lack of sleep and Matia has listened and encouraged us to share and heal.  This song gave me peace and I listened to it frequently when I was in pain.  We are all there for each other.  Thank you for this web site.  

Anonymous's picture
Anonymous (not verified)

I had ordered this book and about to finish very soon. I recommend this to everyone on this blog, really. It felt so good to read and brought a positive/deeper way of thinking to my life. I also like how the author has so many beautiful quotes from famous people+her own friends.
I have been telling myself that how much I changed over the years , and noticed how quickly I changed( inside,outside, emotionally, mentally, perception, spiritually, etc..) within last 1 year that I wasn't able to believe. The writer emphasizes this in her book, which sort of made me feel good or safe I must say. Thanks Matia,  for the recommendation.