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This site has been the culmination of the now almost two decades of work that we have invested  in Dr. Brizman's treatment of IC-it is a branch that grew from that trunk of knowledge, dedication, and human compassion that has developed over so many years.

The forum was created to be a safe place for our patients to support and share their journey with one another and be a rich rescource of information.

Both the forum and the blog section of this site were equal parts of our vision that we worked very hard and long to create. For many years, this vision was a reality.

Over a  year ago, I realized that some people had taken it upon themselves without my knowledge or permission to create a separate forum. Although I did not understand why anyone would do that, I stood silently. As time has passed, the energy that once lived here at the ICAMA site, was slowly siphened away to another unknown place.

As this has gone on for some time now, it finally reached a place where there was so little activity, we decided to take the ICAMA forum down until further notice.

Dr. Brizman