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As in-I have one! After my little daughter accidentally while sick last week got a little dot of spit in my mouth as she was speaking to me! I knew at that moment I was toast. I was somewhere where I just could go and wash my mouth out. So I said, well, OK, here we go. And I thought I escaped it until boom, it hit me so hard!

I have been sick home for two days and asking myself why I am not getting better. Well, I was getting better-mostly. It started with a sore throat of razor blades and fever and throat and lung stuff-that all cleared up quickly.

I realized suddenly (sometimes it is hard to pay attention to yourself) that I had this massive amount of pain in one part of my sinus. So, as I tell some patients to do when they have that (not all) to place hebs up their nose. I tried a couple of logican choice and what do you know-in three hours almost all the pressure is gone. Well, not goine, but, it is a million times better and now I can think again.

I just wanted to share this-because it is so simple and now together with the herbs I swallow and the extra help I needed up inside my sinus I will be better in a day or two.



livandlex's picture


wow totally crazy - I'll have to do that next time! Glad you're doing better!!!

Claire C

cprince's picture

I hate that moment when you know it's time to brace yourself for the worst. Working in healthcare I have too many of those occasions when you literally walk out of the room with very unpleasant bodily fluids everywhere and all I want to do is strip down and take a shower at that very moment, but politely act like I don't notice I'm covered in their, to put it mildly, grossness! It's times like these I wish we could live in bubbles and not deal with the unfortunate torture of illness, but nice to know there are few more tricks to help clear things more quickly! So glad you are feeling better already, that is fantastic!!!

drbrizman's picture

I know, it is funny and not funny at all. Last year-an unbelievable thing happened to me at a my child's bday party. We hired a petting zoo (as if we really needed that having 14 animals of our own) to come. Well,t here was an alpaca or something that sort. I dont remember. Anyway, i turned to his face and commented on how beautiful he was. And with my expressiveness opened my mouth widely as I was speaking to him. Well guess what-he SPIT, as in spewed LOTS and LOTS of saliva and grass and cud that was in his mouth into mine. I was so shocked. I laughed becuase it was so unbeleivable and then my close friend who is an MD was standing there and he looked at me and said-"go wash your mouth out NOW!" That snapped me out of the moment. So, I ran up to my bathroom and grabbed some goldenseal and god knows what else and attempted to sanitize my mouth. Thankfully, I escaped unscathed and I didn't contract any awful barn animal disease:) Laughing is good.

cprince's picture

Ewwww! LOL! That would have been an unpleasant shock! You are right, after the initial shock wears off that someone's trach has just popped off blasting you in the face with sputum, have an NG tube come disconnected from suction spewing green and bloody stomach contents down your front, or have explosive diarrhea and vomit flying everywhere. No one warns you of the hazards of being a therapist in the hospital. Oh, but, I don't know what's more shocking about the situation, the initial look of horror on the nurses faces when you leave a battle zone, or their nonchalant "did you know you have something on you?!" We have some great laughs over lunch about our daily adventures!!! I try to tell myself I'm just really building up my immune system! It's either that or becoming overwhelmed with the fear of what I've just contracted, but laughing about the situation definitely helps ease the tension! 

DLFox123's picture

Dear Dr. B

Are you suggesting a Netti pot or just up inside of the nostrils?



drbrizman's picture

I personally, beleive it or not, have never done a netty pot. Many of my patients have and love it. I have an aversion to putting any water up my nose for some reason. I just used a Q-tip to insert various substances up there. It is swollen from this infection. I sear, this has been so bad I was convinced I had some kind of bird or moneky flu. But, a friend just emailed this morning and she and her husbad have the identical symptoms. So, it must be something going around. This has not been fun and has been one of the worst infections I have ever had-well, not really, because I have had meningitis and pneumonia a couple times each-not fun either. But, each infeciton is unique and seems to have a life of it's own. this was sure does. I wont name it so when I am completely over it, I can forget it ever existed.

DLFox123's picture

I'm hoping that you're feeling better

Take Care,
