Interesting Video on One Birth Control Pill

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Most or all of you know that I won't take patients on chemical birth control. The reason is it is impossible to get better with my program while taking it. And, in fact, many people have fallen ill due to it exclusively or in combination with other factors. Although this video does not touch on IC, it does touch on the power of what chemical birth control is capable of doing :


Christine222's picture

I am so glad I was never on the pill!

calieve's picture

Wow, I am so glad that I am not on that stuff anymore. Thank you for posting these articles for us.
I am so happy that I am under your care now and not the care I used to be under. For the last 9 years Doctors always told me that birth control was good for my body and would make me feel better. I am just so lucky to be under good care now. It is crazy how all these Western Doctors think these drugs are the only answer, when really it makes us get sick. 
Thank you again for sharing these with us.

soniafa's picture

I got IC after taking Yasmine bc pill....So sad!!... I thought it will help with PS too.. Bayer has been sued massively for the side effects, but still the public doesn't knows yet. Here in the UK they give Yasmine for free in the NHS. The GP didn't advise me about the REAL side effects. Even now when you check the instructions don't mention about it can cause adrenal problems and hyperkalemia... just if you google you find all the horrid info... I wish I had known...
I had frequency and PMS before taking Yasmine, I took the pill "only" for 1.5 year, but when I stopped I got IC and I haven't had my period yet... 10 moths without period and counting!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER again I will take any chemical if it's not a matter of life or death or Dr B allows it.

SarahC's picture

took the pill (not this one) for 15 years. Had no idea it could cause me problems. Am fairly sure it was the key underlying cause of my IBS and IC (IBS coincidentally (?!) cleared up when I was pregnant/breastfeeding and therefore not on the pill). Never, ever again

me's picture

I was just wondering if anyone has any theories about how they got IC. It seems that mine started with a bladder infection, but I did seemingly have an allergic reaction to antibiotics that made me have panic attacks for about a month during which my condition worsened. It seems like the more nervous I become, the worse my IC gets. Just wondering if you could share how you think you got IC and what you think it is? Bacteria, virus, etc.?