More on bacteria in the body

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As many of you know, I focus a great deal on the use of bacterial balancing in the body in relation to chronic illness in general adn of course, specifically, IC.

I believe so much of our health is based in the fundamental balance surrounding these bacteria and how that balance effects our immune systems. Scientific researchers are only touching the tip of the iceberg in terms of what they are discovering in my opinion, and their own. So much more will be discovered in the decades to come in how bacteria are involved with disease-both chronic, and otherwise. Perhaps it would be better to say, in how these bacteria relate to health, because, really, that is the issue, in my opinion.

This article has to do with cancer, and although this is not the subject of this website, it is relevant in that it involves some concepts surrounding bacteria that cross over to IC. I thought you all would enjoy reading it.



Clueless's picture

Very interesting article.  The human body is certainly very complex. 

cprince's picture

Very interesting how complex the human body is and its ability to breaking down different enzymes in food specific to our location. Good thing I don't like sushi/seaweed! Here's to getting out all that nasty bacteria and restoring our health! Thanks for sharing!