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I need to share something that happened because it could have ended in tragedy, and thank goodness it did not. I have always used _____ blenders, I have loved them for years. I have two little girls and I make shakes for the three of us every morning for breakfast. It was just luck, that the blade that separated from the blender last week ended up in my cup and not theirs! I almost swallowed it-it was large enough to swallow but if it had, I am fairly certain I would have bled to death before a surgeon could have opened me up to even find at what point in my gastrointestinal tract the blade had lodged.

Now, every morning when I make our shakes, I empty the shake into the glasses, then I rinse the blender and check the baldes first. This is so completely crazy, but, OMG--it could have been.......

Anyway, I wanted to share this experience just in case, because I never even would have thought that this could happen, because it is not a logical thing to think about. So, becareful if you are using your blenders!








deir's picture

Oh My!!! That was a close one. Thanks for the warning and I am glad all's well that ends well

cprince's picture

OMG, that is very scary! Glad everything turned out ok!

Tinkerbell7's picture

Thank you for this warning!!  A good reminder to be aware when using sharp tools!

natasha149's picture

Oh, Matia :((