October Patient Story

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In September 2006 I was 18 and beginning my first year in college. Only a few weeks into school I suddenly began to feel as if I had a bladder infection. Up until then I had never had a bladder infection but the symptoms were pretty unmistakable. I had urgency and frequency and the worst was the pressure that felt as if it was centered in my urethra. I went to the doctor expecting a simple solution, but I was told that I actually didn’t have a bladder infection. I was put on antibiotics which did not help. I was then put on a three month waiting list to see a specialist and in the meantime I was told that there was nothing that I could do for my discomfort. This was the most difficult time for me. I had no idea what was causing my pain, no way to stop it and no idea when or if it would ever go away.

After doing my own research, I suspected that I had interstitial cystitis. Rather than endure the wait, I decided to make an appointment with a specialist at a private clinic and I was officially diagnosed with IC. It was a very difficult diagnosis to face at 18. Within one month my whole world had changed. I was now uncomfortable for every minute in the day. I would sit in class in pain and wait for my next opportunity to go to the bathroom. However, I was lucky to have access to chat rooms where people discussed the best treatments for IC. I quickly realized that western medicine could not offer very much relief. Then I found a website of people who had been helped by a doctor of Chinese medicine in Los Angeles, Matia Brizman. I poured over everyone’s stories and I began to feel hopeful. These people were able to be symptom free with the help of Matia. I decided that this was the approach that I wanted to take and I made an appointment to meet with Matia in December. When I met with Matia she was very professional and spent a lot of time asking me questions. We discussed at length the various factors that led to my particular imbalance. Once I understood Matia’s approach I realized that my body had been in distress for a long time. I had only been on birth control for 9 months but I had experienced problems with excess yeast for years. Throughout my teens I was sick very frequently and I was put on antibiotics for tonsillitis twice in one year. I stopped taking birth control immediately and while I waited for all my herbs to arrive I started Matia’s diet. I felt better within a few days. This proved to me that Matia’s approach worked. When I began taking the herbs that Matia recommended I was very sensitive. I experienced very extreme die off symptoms, my body felt very heavy and achy like I had a bad flu. For the first year of treatment I was very sensitive, I did not tolerate the herbs very well and although I stuck to the diet without cheating I had very bad flares. I often felt demoralized and worried that I was a hard case that Matia wouldn’t be able to help. I was easily depressed and very negative at that time. Then one day I decided that if I couldn’t control how I felt physically, I could control how I felt emotionally my. I decided to have a positive outlook and tried to find things to be excited about and tried to be more appreciative. Once I let go and stopped obsessing over my symptoms I slowly started to feel better.

For the last year and a half I have been feeling much better. I no longer think about where the nearest bathroom is and when I will be able to use it. Most of the time, I don’t feel my bladder and I can go for hours without needing to go to the bathroom. I have been able to go on trips to Mexico and Europe with almost no problems and my diet is pretty much back to normal. Matia has been unbelievably helpful and wonderful throughout this whole process. She is always available with suggestions and advice while being patient and compassionate. I am now grateful for the experience I have had with IC. I have learned to appreciate the simple things in life and I have become happier. Because of IC I have worked through difficult times, I have become a stronger person and I have forged closer relationships with my friends and family. I still have some work to do, but I am confident that with Matia’s help I will be completely symptom free.





Melsvensen's picture

What a great story of hope and how sometimes IC can be a blessing.  Although I would never wish it on anyone, it forces you to look inside yourself and find strength you never knew you had. I thank God for Mata daily and I have not even met her yet!  Can't wait in two weeks I will begin this journey.  Thank you for sharing your story and providing hope.

Dazzo11's picture

ur story sounds similar to mine in the sense that i am flaring sooo badly in the beginning even though i am doing everything right....good to kno there will b some relief ahead...thanks for sharing