Olive Oil

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Olive oil is a big subject evidently-bigger than I thought. I ask people at the beginning of treatment to go on NOT extra virgin olive oil, as the pureness of the olive oil is too much for a bladder that is so intensely irritated. I have heard over time that some oils are adulterated with soy, and, this IS a concern, as virgin or non-virgin-soy is a BIG pain causer.

One of my patients just sent me the following links on the subject. If you have any input, please share so that people can be certain they are consuming the proper non-virgin (list #1-3) extra virgin (3nd #3 on)

http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/01/24/opinion/food-chains-extra-virgin-suicide.html?_r=0  This one give a good short description of what is going on as, I believe, it was a illustration of a book that was written on the topic.

Here is a link to the two studies where the olive oil was tested. Both by university of California. The first one tested more brands.






Christine222's picture

Well that is kinda scary. Can you recommend any extra virgin olive oils that you feel are the real deal?

Akis's picture

I am coming from a family that is producing olive oil but still cannot tell the difference.

There have been times that I could tell that a oil was not extra virgin but I can't telll if it was just not good or adulterated. 

I guess a pressing mill or a farmer is the safest bet.



deir's picture

This is timely for me. i always got myb "pure olive oil" with no EVO in it at Target but they have stopped carrying it. I can't find any pure olive oil . I am frustrated. When can one move up to EVO? Do we just test it out a bit?


Where else do people find refined plain olive oil? 

Mimij67's picture

Personally for later lists I would go to a reputable on line distributor of small batch EVOO. Or walk into a mom and pop natural food store and ask questions.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

cprince's picture

I have always used Bertolli extra light olive oil, but with my limited options of baked goods don't use very frequently and don't really use while cooking either, I find not completely draining the fat from the meat I'm cooking is enough to help cook my veggies or whatever else I'm cooking. I found this link regarding Bertolli way back when I was early in treatment which helped me decide which olive oil to go with. It seemed like an ok option for list 1, but all non-extra virigin olive oils seem to contain at least some extra virigin in it for flavor. Anyone find a better brand?


Mimij67's picture

I use Bertolli. Thanks for the link!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

areed25's picture

Bertolli is on the list of brands from both studies that claimed to be extra virgin and was not. Pretty sure they failed every test. Study says they think these brands may be subpar due to:a)oxidation by exposure to elevated temperatures, light, and/or aging b) adulteration with cheaper refined oils c) poor quality oil made from damaged olives. Unfortunately, they don't say which failed for which reason, and every brand I found that has a non-virgin product except one, is on that list. This just tells me those brands in general are shady. I would be glad when I can go totally extravirgin.

I cannot remember the brand, but the nonEV one i'm using starts with Del and comes in a glass bottle. I'm guessing that brand would also fail those test, but i don't react to it, and I prefer the glass bottle because god knows what is leaching from plastic.

 In terms of getting extra virgin, two brands that tested well that are readily available are California Olive Ranch and Lucini. I'm experimenting with the California brand to see if i can tolerate it.

drbrizman's picture

From what I know, I do think Bertolli is a reputable brand. I would love it if more people would comment on what they use, so that I could gather more information. 



atraylor's picture

i use bertolli as well. 

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

Filippo Berio normally but sometimes I buy shops own brand.  Think I will stick to Filippo in future.  Bertolli isn't so available in the UK.