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I just was given this article by a patient and I just couldn't believe my eyes reading it. It seems that it is so difficult for people to empathize with those who have chosen to go down a path of healthy eating that a term has been coined for those eating really well-"orthorexia" and this term is compared to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. 

It is beyond my understanding how any normal thinking human being could even compare the conditions of anorexia and bulimia with eating well. Perhaps the philosophy that people are just not comfortable with others doing things differently than them because then they become insecure with their own decisions. IF someone is eating really healthy and they are not, it makes them feel like they are not doing something they should be doing.

Eating well should be something that more people are doing, if this were the case, we would have far less chronic illness. However, coming up with names to judge them for what they are or are not doing does not seem to even justify the time it would take to do so or moreover, to perpetuate the concept. It is so sad that so many people are uncomfortable enough with themselves to spend time on such a ridiculous thing.

The patient who sent me this was upset about it and also is feeling a bit insecure about her present eating habits and how others view her because of this. I assured her that there is a huge upside to eating well aside from preserving the balance that you are able to achieve in your body due to good eating habits. It slows down the aging process, it keeps your moods stable, it keeps your weight stable, and your overall sense of well being and mental function becomes optimal. This particular patient just went to the eye doctor, and her eyesight had improved a whole level!

So if you are accused or orthorexia and you feel you are being laughed at, rest assured you are getting the last laugh. Be strong and feel good about your choices. There is nothing to be ashamed of!


LeeLee's picture

The link didn't work for me but I typed in orthorexia in the search column of the page that came up and found it. For the few people that even know I am in treatment, some do seem to have a problem with my healthy eating and I think it stems from them being insecure with themselves. This is why I have only told maybe 8 people what is really going on. It is much easier that way. One friend even told me that I have grown "obsessed" with it. I just feel like I have grown extremely interested in the subject and it has now become a hobby. I also think society really likes to label people and put them in groups. Why do we even have a name for vegetarians or vegans or pescatarians? Why do people care? If people really want to put a label on us to make themselves, then I say just let them. I feel good about what I am doing.

Anonymous's picture
Anonymous (not verified)

Matia, thanks. This came just on time as people around me have been critizing my diet lately. I would like to see it though, the link doesn't work

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Anonymous (not verified)
Dasha's picture

I just read a really cool article that was of a great support to me. It was written by the author of "Fast food nation" and a co-producer of the Oscar-nominated "Food, Inc". The article is called "Why being foodie isn't elitist":